What are the links between health and the environment?

by time news

Published on : 18/05/2022 – 14:33

Why are diseases or even pandemics also linked to external causes: from lead to fine particles, via pesticides or deforestation…? Focus on research in environmental health with Professor Rémy Slama, holder of the Chair in Public Health at the Collège de France.

Let’s look at the links between health and the environment: how and to what extent the degradation of the environment, the pollution of water, air, soil, due to the chemical substances that we introduce into it, disturbs our health and our earliest development? What are the external causes of our diseases, our pandemics and how can we better understand this evil from outside to use the title of one of the works of our guest Rémy Slama

With Rémy Slamaenvironmental epidemiologist at Inserm (Annual Chair of the Collège de France, Public Health).

And at the microphone of Alice Rouja, serge morandparasitologist and researcher in the evolutionary ecology of the transmission of infectious diseases with applications in health ecology for the documentary film by Marie-Monique Robin The factory of pandemics (which tells the link between biodiversity and health).

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