The Buildings of the Nation enters the world of television productions and the Matavers: Huge animation studios, virtual conferences and more have opened

by time news

Mizmor Productions, managed by Daniel Lankri and the media man Kaveh Shafran, set up the 400-square-meter “Nation Studios” complex at the convention center, which for the first time in Israel has motion capture technology – which with optical cameras and surveillance suits produces live animation, avatars and people Digital

Posted on: 18.5.22 11:45

The Buildings of the Nation Jerusalem enters the world of television productions and Matavers: The International Congress Center The Buildings of the Nation Jerusalem in collaboration with the Psalm Productions Company and the company “To Appear to Influence” are launching the “Nation Studios – Jerusalem”. The Nation Studios Jerusalem was designed and built with an investment of millions of shekels with the most advanced equipment in the industry and with unique technology that enables new productions and creations that are suitable for the worlds of the Mabras, and virtual productions that are considered the future of the Internet and television. Nation Studios will work in a number of areas.

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MOTION CAPTURE – Animation for any situation and live
The nation’s studios include motion capture technology that can be used to “capture” motion of a character, turning it into DATA (information) which is streamed into a graphic image (avatar) displayed on the screen. The studios have 16 optical surveillance cameras and surveillance suits for several players simultaneously.

Motion capture is considered one of the most advanced and fast technologies for creating animation and it “saves” months of editing work by animation teams that are supposed to “draw” the character’s motion. The three-dimensional animation created by the systems enables the “live” broadcast of animation for events or the creation of animated series and movies, as well as for the worlds of gaming and the matavers.

The optical cameras in the nation’s studios accurately capture the movement of each actor or manager wearing the special suit and turn it live into an animated avatar that mimics every movement the suit wearer makes and places it in any real or virtual world. The unique system also features helmets that capture the face of the character and capture the true facial expressions that are copied to the virtual character. A number of production, animation and gaming companies have already begun testing and piloting new productions using optical tracking technology, which is the only one of its kind in Israel.

(Photo: Nation Studios)

(Photo: Nation Studios)

Create digital people
By capturing the movement, the nation’s studios have also created digital people for a variety of needs: gaming, animation, virtual reality, education and more. Digital people and avatars is an area that is experiencing accelerated global growth, among other things in light of the vision of the matavers and the virtual world developments of the global technology giants and alongside the transformation of Israel into a “gaming power”. Already today there are many places where digital people communicate with customers and form the face of the organization on social networks and virtual mysteries.

The nation’s buildings are now also considering the possibility that some of the conferences held at the venue will in the future be hosted by digital presenters who will appear on the conference stages. The possibility of staging hysterical figures from the past is also included in the new basket of services that the nation’s buildings will offer for conferences and conferences. Nation Studios will also make it possible to produce productions that combine virtual reality, with the real world in which a digital presenter will interview conference guests.

Outdoor photography in the studio – the director controls the sunset
In addition, on one side of the studio, a curved video wall (VIDEO WALL) was built in a size of about 50 square meters with a particularly high resolution. R. These walls are mobile and can be adapted to the requirements of the various productions.

Any virtual or real space is projected on the video wall in the nation’s studios, so you can take photos of several locations on the same day, and even control the lighting conditions or control the sunset. The industry explains that the video wall that surrounds the actors in the scene eliminates the need for a “green screen”, produces realistic lighting and allows photographers and directors to see in real time what the shots look like and shorten the edits and shoot in any location. These virtual productions that are already taking place around the world make it possible to shoot scenes in adapted and controlled conditions and provide an excellent substitute for complex outdoor filming days.

Each conference has an accompanying studio
The Nation Studios were also established as part of the Corona lessons that illustrated the need to create hybrid conferences. The studios set up in one of the huge halls of the Congress Center will be integrated in the coming months into the many conferences and conferences planned at the venue.

For each event at the convention center a package of “accompanying studio” will be offered. Similar to major sports and news events, the focus will be on the physical event, but alongside it will operate the studio that will mediate the event for viewers from home. This way the conferences will become hybrids and every event will also be broadcast online digitally. During the conferences, in addition to the broadcast from the halls through the studio, interviews with the conference attendees, extensions, reports and summaries will be held at the venue, and factors from various places in Israel and around the world will be broadcast.

All types of new productions will be alongside filming and broadcasting traditional TV productions in which Mizmor Productions specializes, which currently broadcast the productions of the broadcast channels, including: The X Factor, The Singer in the Mask and more. For this purpose, the Nation Studios are equipped with the best technology for television productions, including photography equipment, lighting, control rooms, sound, communication and the like.

The studio complex, which extends over 400 square meters, also includes production rooms, editing rooms, design rooms, VIP dressing rooms, locker rooms and meeting rooms and will accommodate an audience of up to 150 people during filming. Additional nationwide with dozens of staff members tailored to the need of each event and many years of international experience.

Alex Alter, Acting CEO of Nation Buildings: “The opening of the new studio with advanced technologies in Nation Buildings integrates with the company’s new business strategy, which we have been leading for the past year, of moving from host to host and initiator of all types of events. “The opening of the new studio will expand the scope of the company’s activities to new customers, will operate in parallel with conferences held in the nation’s buildings, and will enrich them with another television medium that feeds and feeds the conference.”

Daniel Lankri, owner of Psalm Productions and co-owner of Nation Studios: “The world of television and digital media is changing rapidly. Technology is advancing and opening up endless possibilities in a huge variety of fields. Nation Studios Jerusalem addresses the new technological and creative challenges. In these areas. “

Kaveh Shafran, CEO and co-owner of the Nation Studios: “Thank you to Mayor Moshe Leon and the Film and Television Project and the Jerusalem Development Authority for supporting the establishment of the studios that will bring creativity and employment to the city. We are proud to bring to Israel the most advanced technologies in the world to enable groundbreaking productions for the film, television, animation and virtual worlds industry. “

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