Silence is near check the warning signs Bladder cancer is most common in men aged 50 and over.

by time news

bladder cancer It is a near silent threat for which the exact cause is unknown. Therefore, should always observe their own abnormal symptoms. If found to have chronic abnormalities should consult a doctor

Today (20 May 65), Dr. Somsak Ankasil, Director-General of the Medical Department, said that bladder cancer is a cancer caused by abnormal division of cells lining the inner wall of the bladder. It is more common in males than females. and is common in the age of 50 years and older

From the information of cancer registration in Thailand by the National Cancer Institute. There are approximately 1,900 and 600 new cases of male and female bladder cancer each year, respectively.

For the cause of the disease It is currently unknown, but several risk factors have been identified that may be associated with bladder cancer, such as smoking, chemical exposure. chronic bladder or urinary tract infections Irritation and inflammation due to gallstones, etc.

Dr. Sakan Bunnag, director of the National Cancer Institute, said common symptoms of bladder cancer include bloody urine without pain. Pain while urinating, frequent urination, burning, interruption, or chronic urinary incontinence, etc.

However, such symptoms can be caused by other diseases as well, so if you experience chronic abnormalities, you should consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

As for the treatment, it consists of several methods. It depends on the stage of the disease and the patient’s health. In general, patients at the stage of the disease has not spread. The main treatment is surgery through the urethra to remove the tumor.

If the cancer has spread, your doctor may consider bladder surgery along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy depending on the stage of the disease.

Although the exact cause of the disease is unknown, we can prevent it by avoiding the risk factors mentioned above. Including regular observation of the body and seeing a doctor when abnormal symptoms begin may cause cancer to be found in the early stages, resulting in effective treatment and a chance to recover from the disease.

information from medical department

Image from AFP image file.

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