“It is very close to being a major public health problem”

by time news

P. A.

Updated:19/05/2022 11:15h


Summer is back, and with it, the dreaded black fly. With rising temperatures, the presence of insects like this also increases, which is usually found in rural environments or near rivers. Experts warn thatmay generate allergieswhich sometimes lead to edema, breathing problems such as asthma, low blood pressure or extreme itching.

That’s it transmitter of serious diseases such as onchocerciasis, endemic to sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, which can cause blindness in almost 30% of cases, although it does not seem that these extreme cases will occur in Spain. Some cases of bites have already been recorded in MadridAndalusia, Catalonia,
AragonMurcia and Valencian Community.

Only the females bite, causing a cut, and feeding on the blood that flows from the bruise.

The president of the National Association of Environmental Health Companies (ANECPLA), Sergio Monge, has warned that “it is very close to becoming a major public health problem in Spain”, according to ABC.

Some tricks to avoid getting itchy

There are some tips that we can carry out so that this insect does not bite us. For example, it is recommended wear light colored clothes, because the black fly is attracted to dark ones. Also, it would be nice buy specialized repellentsand apply them about three times a day, every six hours.

On the other hand, to combat it, it is also necessary to use the biocides, a type of bacteria. To this must be added municipal works such as the cleaning of the rivers, to collect algae and hurdles, where the flies lay their eggs. In general, the black fly is found in the more humid areas; for example, in Madrid it is presented in the surroundings of the Manzanares.

If you have been stung, it is best to apply ice in the area of ​​the affected skin and, if headaches or pains occur, go to the hospital to be seen by a professional.

How to avoid the reproduction of the black fly

According to EP, to avoid the reproduction of the black fly, they apply spray treatments biocides that affect the larvae of the black fly aimed at reducing their presence. These larvicide treatments aim to reduce the number of larvae present and prevent their transformation into pupae in the water, which are not affected by the larvicide treatment, and thus prevent their passage to adult insects.

As a complement to these treatments are carried out clearing and pruning of vegetation which is in direct contact with the water layer, since it serves as a support for larvae and a refuge for adult specimens, according to information from EP.

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