‘Monkeybox’ spreads fast through sexual intercourse ..! Panic in European countries; World Health Organization warning

by time news

New York: In countries like the United States, the ‘monkeybox’ virus is currently spreading rapidly. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the spread of sexually transmitted infections, especially sexually transmitted diseases, is on the rise. With the spread of corona infection over the past 2 years, the virus known as ‘monkeybox’ is now spreading rapidly in the US and European countries. The virus was first detected in the legs of cyanomolcus monkeys in 1958 at the State Serum Institute in Copenhagen. The virus is associated with diseases transmitted by animals such as smallpox, cowpox, pony and camel.

The disease then spread from monkey to zoo in Rotterdam in 1966. In 2003, the monkeypox virus spread not only in African countries but also in the United States. Approximately 47 people were affected. They spread the virus from their pets. Similarly in Nigeria there was a monkeypox infection. The Monkeybox then spread to Israel in 2018, London in 2018, and Singapore in 2019, with travelers from Nigeria.

Despite the World Health Organization claiming that measles was eradicated by the 1980s, the symptoms of monkeypox infection are now spreading rapidly. The life span of this monkeybox virus is 6 to 13 days. In the meantime, the infection will begin to spread. During the acute phase of the infection, large blisters filled with fluid, such as glass, may form. When it breaks, a thin yellow liquid comes out.

Transmitted to humans from monkeys and other wildlife. The infection then begins to spread from person to person. Young children are more susceptible to this virus attack. Earlier this month, more than 10 people in North America and Europe were confirmed infected with the ‘Monkeybox’ virus. Health officials say the virus is more likely to be spread through sexual contact. More than 40 people in Spain and Portugal, more than 12 in Canada and nine in the UK have been confirmed to have monkeypox so far. One person was confirmed infected in the United States yesterday.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says most of the victims are sexually transmitted infections. The World Health Organization (WHO) said earlier this week that the infection was most prevalent among homosexuals and bisexuals, according to UK and European health officials.

Dr. Sauce Fall, Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization, said: In Central and West African countries those infected with the monkeypox virus over the past few years have often recovered within a few weeks. Very few rarely died. For monkeypox virus influenza, there is no specific treatment. Patients must stay in a specialized hospital; Thus preventing the spread of infection. They can be cured with common treatment. ‘

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