a tornado injures 30, including 10 seriously in the west of the country

by time news

The climatic phenomenon has triggered after abnormally high temperatures for the season.

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Published and 20/05/2022 20:25

Update and 20/05/2022 20:45

Reading time : 1 min.

More than thirty people were injured, “including ten seriously”, in Paderborn, a town in western Germany that was crossed by a “tornado”said a police spokesperson on Friday, May 20.

The tornado also caused significant property damage in this medium-sized city in North Rhine-Westphalia, hit hard by the storm currently crossing Germany and which started after abnormally high temperatures for the season. Several videos broadcast on social networks testify to the violence of the phenomenon.

The town of Lippstadt, about thirty kilometers away, was also probably hit by a tornado, according to a spokesperson for the fire department, without any injuries being reported at this stage.

Bad weather has caused extensive damage in this region of western Germany, with law enforcement reporting countless roofs ripped off and trees uprooted. Rail traffic is also severely disrupted and the police have called on residents to stay at home. Inclement weather is expected to extend eastward later in the evening.

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