Alexander Vega denounced in the Prosecutor’s Office the lawyer who wants to remove him from the National Registry

by time news
National Registrar of Civil Status, Alexander Vega. / Colpress

In the middle of questions to the registrar Alexander Vega due to the various inconveniences that occurred in the last legislative elections, the official denounced one of the individuals who seeks to remove him from office and accused him of various crimes, it is the lawyer Sergio Alzate.

Vega’s complaint was filed with the Attorney General’s Office, an institution in which, according to the station Radius Snail, held the founder of the popular Colombia Transparent project responsible for committing the alleged crimes of procedural fraud, false accusation, terrorism, libel and slander.

After the complaint, the prosecution body decided to open a preliminary investigation against the aforementioned jurist and assigned the local prosecutor 407 to investigate him. According to the head of the National Registry of Civil Status, Sergio Alzate would have “incurred in false accusations”, Vega said, quoted by the radio network.

The defendant, for his part, would have accused the official of committing various dubious actions before, during and after the elections of March 13, 2019.or alleged election witness tampering and allow almost 300,000 voting jurors to cast their votes twice in the polls with the endorsement, presumably, of Alexander Vega.

Moreover, Alzate would also have pointed out to the registrar committing other anomalies with the computer systems with which the pre-count was carried out and the final scrutiny that caused so much controversy in the country, given that they found several votes for Gustavo Petro’s coalition, the Historical Pact and, in contrast, they took away several others from the Democratic Center, Liberal Party, among others.

After these arguments, Alexander Vega asked the Prosecutor’s Office, which is directed by Francisco Barbosa, to investigate the mentioned jurist because several of the arguments with which he points to the registrar would not have the necessary evidence to corroborate them.

“(…) Making use of mere speculations tending to satisfy personal and other hidden interests, which must be the subject of investigation, because they have the capacity to generate alteration of the citizen peace and the democratic order”, reads the document that was known by Radius snail.

Alexander Vega’s complaint against his detractor occurs within the framework of the preliminary investigation that the Prosecutor’s Office opened against him due to the contracts that the entity he directs entered into with Indra, the Spanish company that provided the Registry with software.

According to the prosecutor, Vega would have alleged ties to the IT organization, Therefore, these links will be investigated along with the controversial results of the elections that defined the new senators and representatives to the Chamber, as well as three of the candidates for the Presidency.

It should be clarified that, although the Prosecutor’s Office did open the investigation, there is the caveat that it is preliminary cohort and as a result of the complaints that some citizens issued days after the March elections. Moreover, the institution led by Francisco Barbosa assures that they have not ordered the verification of evidence or even plan to summon Vega to testify.

However, the case does have a filing number, as well as a prosecutor in charge. Is about Javier Fernando Cardenas, to whom the Supreme Court of Justice delegated in the case that today again causes controversy to the head of the National Registry of Civil Status.

Another who gave details about this case was the journalist Daniel Coronell, who assured in his most recent report for the station On the radio that, now, the accusing entity will collect all the alleged evidence against Alexander Vega to determine whether or not to open a formal investigation or, on the other hand, the case goes to the file of the accusing entity.


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