80 cases worldwide. “Less serious than chickenpox” – time.news

by time news

Updated WHO data: the disease registered in 12 countries. The epidemiologist reassures: “It’s a disease that disappears within a few weeks”

The World Health Organization (Oms) updated its data on the cases of the so-called “monkeypox»: The so-and-so was brought to 80 cases found in 12 countries. The map includes nine European states (the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Sweden) as well as the United States, Canada and Australia. WHO confirms that this is a rare disease but that heals within a few weeks; another affirmation of the specialists: who has behind the smallpox vaccination is 85% covered from this particular form of contagion.

In Italy theepidemiologist Donato Greco confirms that the alarm is moderate: “In humans, monkeypox is a self-extinguishing disease, that is, it resolves itself in a few weeks and is, as severity, even less than a chickenpox. Indeed the latter involves an extension of the vesicles all over the body and gives a high fever, while monkeypox is almost always very localizedin the cases we are talking about in these sexually transmitted days, the pustules are limited to the genital area, without high fever».

May 21, 2022 (change May 21, 2022 | 14:38)

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