Conflicts broke out: Gersh Alter was rescued by YSM

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A tense and saturated Shabbat riot broke out for Gur Hasidim in Jerusalem, Ashdod and Bnei Brak, after a proclamation was issued against the Magor Rebbe while visiting the Tel Aviv cemetery over the weekend. immediately.

At the height of the riots, which are still going on, the head of the yeshiva, Rabbi Alter, was rescued on Saturday night, accompanied by dozens of YSM fighters, from the synagogue to his home.

According to a report by journalist Liran Tamari from Ynet, on Saturday night violent and unusual clashes broke out on Jeremiah Street in Jerusalem between factions in Gur Hasidism. Police did used in the crater and cavalry. Two policemen were injured and evacuated to a hospital for treatment. An eyewitness to the events described it as a “disorder that has not been seen in the city for years.”

In the community of Gersh Alter, it is said that hundreds of boys and students from Gur Chassidut attacked the community’s beit midrash on Saturday night, breaking and causing heavy damage in the beit midrash, and even causing Gersh Alter to be barricaded in the building for several hours. And in other concentrations, people belonging to the community were beaten, including tonight.

The clashes, tonight in Jerusalem (Photo: Haim Goldberg)

A source in Gur Hasidism tells Kikar Hashabbat that a red line has been crossed here that no one in Gur Hasidism intends to remain silent about. According to him, “During the past week, the Rebbe came to the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv, to mark the day of the death of his mother-in-law, and there he was awaited by some of Gersh Alter’s men who operated a proclamation with harsh words, interfering with the Rebbe and his family. “Only a few days after the pamphlets were sent to the homes of Gur’s followers with abusive remarks against the Rebbe and against the community.”

He further adds that “no one would have been silent if they had done similar things, God forbid, to the late Kanievsky or to the late Rabbi Ovadia, and that Gur’s followers do not intend to remain silent about the harm to the Rebbe.”

The Israeli police said: “Since the evening, incidents of intermittent violence have begun among one of the Hasidim in Jerusalem, apparently due to an internal conflict. Many Jerusalem District police forces are working instead to restore order while trying to create a buffer between the hawk camps.”

According to police, “so far, there have been a number of minor casualties as a result of violence between those involved and one policeman who was hit by a stone thrown at him. Police activity continues at the scene.”

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