Elisabeth Borne defends her government and promises not to lie to the French

by time news
Elisabeth Borne during her first trip as Prime Minister, to Les Mureaux (Yvelines), May 19, 2022.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne defends, in the Sunday newspaper of May 22, the pension reform project, insisting on its desire to ” do not lie “ to the French. “Those who would have you believe [que cette réforme] is not essential do not tell the truth to the French”says the head of government.

Emmanuel Macron proposed during the presidential campaign to “shifting the legal age” retirement “four months a year” to wear it, “in 2031, at age 65”with a device “long careers” and another from “difficulty”. “The challenge for our country is to ensure the strength of our social model, to pursue social progress and to invest, particularly in health and education”plaide Elisabeth Borne.

“The President of the Republic has made clear commitments: no tax increase, no increase in debt. However, we are living longer and longer, the ratio between the number of working people and the number of retirees is decreasing… If we want to preserve the pay-as-you-go pension system, to which our fellow citizens are attached, we will have to gradually work a little longer . »

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Retirement at age 65 “is not a totem”she assures, “but we have to ensure the financing of our social model. And to announce to the French that they are going to work less, to brandish retirement at 60, is to lie to them. This is what the Rassemblement national has been doing for years. This is also a measure found in the Nupes program [Nouvelle Union populaire écologique et sociale] and which is not believable. Promises like “tomorrow, we shave for free”, the French do not believe in them. I will not lie to them. »

Purchasing power as a priority

On keeping the Keeper of the Seals in his post, which angered magistrates, Elisabeth Borne replies that“Eric Dupond-Moretti has obtained the largest increase in the justice budget for twenty years and concrete results in terms of staff and case processing times. »

Regarding the appointment to national education of Pap Ndiaye, the Prime Minister refuses to see a break with the legacy of her predecessor, Jean-Michel Blanquer: “Let’s avoid caricaturing positions. Both pursue the same goal: to ensure equal opportunities and excellence for our young people, which the new minister perfectly embodies. »

Read also: Borne government: the far right targets Pap Ndiaye, the new Minister of National Education; the Prime Minister defends him

The head of government also responds firmly to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who hopes to take office after the legislative elections in June: “The excesses of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, personally, interest me very little. Mr. Mélenchon, like all of us, should respect our institutions. The presidential election is played in two rounds, and I remind you that it was not in the second round. »

Finally, Elisabeth Borne confirms the priorities of the new government which will be on the table of the Council of Ministers from Monday: school, health, ecological transition but above all purchasing power, which must be the first text presented to the new National Assembly which will be elected. in a few weeks.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers For the Borne government, “a vague roadmap, a clear political objective”

The World with AFP

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