the fifteen legislative candidates will have to resign in the event of defeat

by time news

Emmanuel Macron intends to apply the same case law as five years ago to the members of his government who are candidates for the 2022 legislative elections. deputy ministers, full-time ministers and even… prime minister. Information communicated by the Elysée to several media, in particular to the Monde.

Among the twenty-eight members of the new government, unveiled on Friday May 20, fifteen are indeed candidates for deputy – in 2017, there were only six concerned –, including the first of them, Elisabeth Borne.

Read also: New entrants, renewed ministers: who are the members of Elisabeth Borne’s government?

Candidate terminal in a low-risk riding

The head of government is a candidate for the first time in an election in the 6e constituency of Calvados. A constituency where Mme Borne runs little risk, since Emmanuel Macron came out on top in the first round of the presidential election with 30.8% of the vote ahead of Marine Le Pen (26.8%) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (17.7%), then to the second with nearly 57% of the votes cast. Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate for Europe, is also seeking his first elective mandate, in the 7e constituency of Paris, during the ballot on 12 and 19 June next.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Elisabeth Borne in Calvados, a low-risk parachute drop for the legislative elections

Others, outgoing ministers or not, are candidates for re-election: this is the case of Amélie de Montchalin, Minister of Ecological Planning, elected for the first time to the National Assembly in 2017, in the 6th constituency of l’Essonne, by Olivier Véran, now Minister Delegate in charge of relations with Parliament, in the 1re constituency of Isère, of the minister responsible for overseas territories, Yaël Braun-Pivet, in the 5e constituency of Yvelines, or Damien Abad, new Minister for Solidarity, Autonomy and Disabled People, elected MP under the label Les Républicains before leaving his political family, in the 5e district of Ain.

Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior reappointed, is meanwhile a candidate in the 10e Northern constituency, which he had already won in a previous legislature (2012-2017).

Two heavyweights from the previous government, also reappointed, Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, and Eric Dupont-Moretti, Keeper of the Seals, for their part gave up being candidates a few weeks ago.

The first, elected since the 1re constituency of Eure since 2007, had justified giving up his third term by arguing: “I’ve always said I wouldn’t serve more than three terms. I keep my promises. » The second gave up on getting into his first election, after hesitating to run in the 15e district of the North, department from which he originates.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Legislative 2022: the discreet return of the old world in the new majority of Emmanuel Macron

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