In the country – Ministry of Public Health raises the level of monkey pox extraction set up an emergency center Intensive screening of 3 countries entering Thailand

by time news

Monday, May 23, 2022, 6:00 a.m.

Ministry of Public Health raises levels of monkey pox extraction

set up an emergency center

Intensive screening of 3 countries entering Thailand


WHO declares 80 people sick worldwide

50 more suspects in 11 countries

The World Health Organization has confirmed 80 cases of monkeypox worldwide, another 50 suspected in 11 countries that are not the source of the infection. Israel, meanwhile, has found the country’s first and possibly the first case in the Middle East. with the infected person returning from abroad While the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand has ordered the establishment of an emergency operation center to deal with the smallpox outbreak. By vigilantly screening people from countries with outbreaks, especially 3 countries that have found patients, which are “England – Spain – Portugal” and warned to avoid consumption of forest products – wildlife

On May 22, reporters reported that Around the world monitoring the smallpox epidemic that began to have infected people spread to many countries and the number is increasing

Smallpox, monkey pox emerges from Israel – the first in Central District

by the Israeli Ministry of Health announced on Saturday evening local time that Found the country’s first chickenpox patient and possibly the first in the Middle East. The infected person has been admitted to a hospital in Tel Aviv. General health is still good At the same time, the government has also issued a warning to those returning from abroad with fever and lesions to seek medical attention. to diagnose

WHO has found 80 cases worldwide.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said there are now about 80 cases of monkeypox worldwide and around 50 suspected cases. and Central Africa But most recently seen cases in Britain, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the US, Sweden and Canada are young men with no history of Africa. The cases were also seen in France, Germany, Belgium and Australia.

For the virus that causes smallpox, this monkey. Its origin is in primates. which is a mammal type primate and other types of wildlife Most of the patients had fever, chills, and tiredness, while severely ill patients had rashes and lesions on their faces. hands and other body parts

Reminder to refrain from eating wild animals – wild animals – sick animals

As for Thailand, Dr. Somsak Ankasil, Director-General of the Department of Medical Services Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) revealed that from the outbreak situation of monkey pox virus. where the number of infected people has increased in the UK It is likely to be spreading in Europe. Six people have been infected in Portugal, while more than 12 people are still being tested for monkey pox. which the outbreak is contagious, divided into 1. From animals to humans From skin or mucous membrane contact, such as the nose, mouth or eyes, with sick animals, secretions, blood, skin, or cooking carcasses of sick animals. including being scratched, bitten, or touched by a sick animal, an appliance contaminated by that animal 2. From human to human, the main contact is through large respiratory droplets. from being in close proximity to the patient exposure to secretions from patients touch of blood or skin lesions or personal items contaminated with patient secretions After exposure to this disease, the incubation period is 7-14 days, or up to 21 days.

Ms. Mingkwan Wichaidit, director of the Institute of Dermatology Mention the early symptoms of chickenpox that include fever, muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, and enlarged lymph nodes. What is the difference between monkey pox and smallpox? In smallpox, there are no enlarged lymph nodes. But in monkey pox, it occurs within 1–3 days of being sick. A rash will begin to appear on the face and spread to other parts of the skin. Then the rash will bulge up into a blister. then turned into blisters, pustules, and eventually burst into scabs The disease progression takes about 2–4 weeks, while approximately 10% of mortality is caused by complications from lung infections. Dehydration and Encephalitis Laboratory tests are performed using PCR. Fluid from the skin blister. Treatment with antiviral drugs cidofovir, Tecovirimat and brincidofovir. Currently, there is a vaccine licensed for use against monkeypox in the United States, JYNNEOS.

‘Preliminary prevention recommends frequent hand washing with soap or alcohol gel, refrain from eating forest products. or cook food from wild animals Avoid contact with wild animals from high-risk areas. or sick wild animals and avoid contact with people with a history of high-risk areas and symptoms case of suspected monkey pox infection recommend to isolate the patient Protect the respiratory system of close people. and taken to a hospital where the patient can be quarantined avoid partying or importing wild animals from foreign countries whose country of origin is unknown,’ said Dr. Mingkwan.

Ministry of Health sets up warroom to deal with ‘smallpox’

while Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control Discussing measures to prevent and cope with the smallpox outbreak in Thailand that Department of Disease Control as an agency have a role to prevent disease control especially emerging diseases and recurrent disease Therefore, the Public Health Emergency Operations Center, Department of Disease Control, in the case of Monkeypox, was established to monitor the situation, trends, and anticipate future situations. To prepare long-term and medium-term plans to improve strategies and appropriate measures The World Health Organization (WHO) statement confirmed that Approximately 80 cases of monkeypox have been reported, and 50 suspected cases of monkeypox are being investigated in 11 countries that are not endemic areas of monkeypox, with more cases likely to be found in other countries. The first case found in the outbreak was in the United Kingdom. Has a history of traveling to Nigeria in late April The British therefore began to monitor and search for more patients. More than 100 cases have now been confirmed in 15 countries, including the United Kingdom, England, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, the United States, Canada, Australia, Israel, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Greece.

Thailand has not found a patient yet, but needs to be vigilant

Dr. Opas continued that for Thailand No cases of monkey pox have been reported. But this period is the beginning to allow more travel into the country. And it is in preparation for the entry into the endemic of COVID-19. Therefore, there may be a risk from travelers from endemic areas including the United Kingdom, England, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, United States, Canada and Australia. or those traveling from countries in Central Africa and West Africa both international entry and exit channels or travelers from such countries to major tourist provinces, according to the information from the International Communicable Disease Control and Quarantine Station Department of Disease Control reported that The number of registered travelers from high-risk countries is the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, between May 1-22 there were 13,142 people from the UK, 1,352 from Spain and 268 from Portugal.

Keep an eye on the intensive screening of the tourism industry, focusing on the 3 areas.

“The Department of Disease Control has raised the level of surveillance for people traveling from these high-risk countries. Ask the public to follow the news closely. and if you have to travel to a country where smallpox cases are found The following precautions should be taken: 1) Avoid contact with vectors, including rodents such as rats, squirrels, and primates such as monkeys, although these animals have not been reported in Thailand yet. After returning from an outbreak country, observe yourself. If you have any unusual symptoms such as fever, rash on your face, arms and legs, see your doctor immediately. and report travel history 2) Follow Universal Prevention (UP) measures by frequently washing hands with soap or alcohol gel. Separate all personal items. Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, mouth, eating cooked food. Avoid contact with secretions, wounds, blood and lymph of animals. or eating undercooked infected meat and avoid saliva, droplets, or lymph from people who are suspected of being sick or have a history of risk. even if there is little chance But it can occur through close contact with the patient through secretions, respiratory tract, or blistered skin. which the Department of Disease Control will closely monitor and inform the public about continuous information If you have any questions, please call 02 5903839 or hotline 1422.

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