Why you shouldn’t drive in flip flops or a swimsuit

by time news

Updated:05/23/2022 00:49h


The summer heat has come early, and with it some typical behaviors behind the wheel, such as driving with flip-flops or a swimsuit, with which drivers try to cope with the high temperatures. There are typical habits and behaviors on vacation or when the heat is present that should be avoided when driving because they pose a risk and can also end in a sanction.

For example, the typical beach wardrobe of flip-flops and a bathing suit or bikini is not suitable for driving. With inappropriate footwear such as shoes, sensitivity is lost with the pedals and they can get caught and prevent reacting to an unforeseen event.

In most European countries it is not explicitly prohibited, but driving with them or barefoot can mean that we receive a fine because traffic agents can interpret that it reduces our freedom of movement when driving.

Therefore, you have to change the flip-flops or sandals without support for ergonomic footwear and fastened to the foot. If this were not the case, it could carry a penalty of 80 euros.

On the other hand, driving without a shirt, something that 25% of drivers do, according to the Foundation of the European Automobile Commission, can cause burns due to the friction of the seat belt. To lower the temperature of the vehicle, it is recommended to open the doors and windows for one minute to ventilate the passenger compartment before activating the air conditioning.

Even if it is only for a few kilometres, exceeding the seats of the vehicle entails significant risks, since this implies that some occupants will go without a belt or, in the case of children, without a child restraint system.

Although not directly prohibited, eating and drinking while driving can be a distraction. But with the high temperatures, hydration is key. A study by the University of Loughborough (United Kingdom) and the European Hydration Institute ensures that a dehydrated driver makes the same mistakes as another who has had 8 glasses of wine. It is best to prevent by drinking water before starting the march and at regular stops. In addition, assistants such as the fatigue detector analyze the driver’s behavior and recommend that he take a break if necessary.

Driving with your elbow out the window on hot days is a typical road image to avoid. First, because it affects the ability to control the vehicle by not having both hands on the wheel and, second, because of the risk of serious injury in the event of a collision. Another extremely risky posture, in this case of the co-pilot, is to put your feet on the dashboard. In the event of an accident, the front airbag would not only stop fulfilling its occupant retention function, but would also become a potentially dangerous element. A danger that involves a fine of 80 euros.

Finally, when you go to the beach, don’t forget your towel, sunglasses, sun cream… and your driver’s license: no matter how few things you carry, you should never forget your car documentation. In most European countries, driving without a license also carries a fine.

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