“Small pox” check why children born after 1980 are at high risk of infection.

by time news

from the epidemic situation “smallpox monkey” (Monkeypox) is creating more panic. Recently found an infected person.monkey poxIn France, Italy, Sweden and Australia, one per country, and the latest in Canada, awaiting confirmation of 13 suspected cases.

Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong, MD. Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that at present there is no treatment. “smallpox monkey” specific But the outbreak can be controlled by vaccination against disease.smallpox which prevents monkeypox by 85%, before smallpox was eliminated Having a vaccination or vaccination will help prevent both diseases, which children born after 1980 will never be vaccinated.smallpox vaccineTherefore, it is a higher risk group for monkeypox than other populations.

“smallpox monkey” not a new disease It has been spreading for more than 20 years. It is caused by Poxviridae virus in the genus Orthopoxvirus. Like the smallpox virus, people orsmallpox variola virus, the virus used in vaccines against human smallpox (vaccinia virus) and cowpox (cowpox virus).

The monkey pox virus is found in many animals. especially the monkey family and rodents such as squirrels, wild rats, etc., includingpeople can contract the disease

“People become infected through direct contact with the blood, secretions or pustules of an infected animal. or from being bitten by infected animals Cooking food from wild animals or eating insufficiently cooked meat Or may be indirectly infected by touching the bed of sick animals. person-to-person transmission even if there is little chance But it can occur through close contact with the patient through respiratory secretions. blistered skin or contaminated equipment.”

Dr Opas added that when infected people enter the body, there will be an incubation period of 7-14 days, possibly up to 21 days. The initial symptoms are fever, headache. Muscle aches, back pain, enlarged lymph nodes, chills, fatigue. After 1-3 days, a rash appears on the limbs. and may occur on the face and body as well The rash turns into pustules. In the last stage, the pustules will become scaly and come off. Illness takes about 2-4 weeks, and most of the disease heals on its own. Severe symptoms are more common among children. In Africa, the mortality rate is about 10%.

control protectionmonkey pox

  1. Avoid direct contact with the blood, secretions or pustules of infected or wild animals.
  2. Avoid eating undercooked meat.
  3. Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol gel when in contact with infected animals or people. or travel into the forest
  4. Do not bring wild animals to raise or import animals from abroad without disease screening.
  5. after returning from an infected country Must be screened and monitored for symptoms until 21 days. If there is an illness, see a doctor. and quarantine to prevent the spread of infection

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