At least 67 cases of monkey pox in Europe, experts call on countries to act quickly

by time news

In a risk assessment, ECDC calls on countries on Monday to focus on the rapid identification, treatment, follow-up, contact tracing and reporting of monkeypox cases. In addition, it recommends that countries monitor the availability of smallpox vaccines, antivirals and protective equipment for healthcare workers.

The 67 currently known cases were registered in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. In our country, the counter stands at four. “Currently identified cases of monkeypox in humans mainly occur in men who have sex with men, suggesting that transmission can take place during intimate intercourse,” the ECDC said. The contamination could occur through close contact of the mucosa or skin wounds with infectious material from smallpox, or through “large respiratory droplets with prolonged facial contact”.

Pregnant women

According to ECDC director Andrea Ammon, most cases recorded so far are associated with mild symptoms and the risk of infection for the general population is very low. “However, the risk of further spreading the virus through close contact, for example during sexual activities between people with multiple sexual partners, is considered high.”

The symptoms of monkeypox can be severe in young children, pregnant women and patients with weakened immune systems, the ECDC warns. “Further research is needed to accurately estimate the morbidity and death rate in this outbreak,” it said.

According to ECDC guidelines, anyone infected with monkey pox should be kept in isolation until the scabs fall off. Abstinence from sexual activity and close physical contact is also advised until the rash has healed. High-risk contacts should self-monitor for up to 21 days after the last exposure.

ALSO READ. Fourth case of monkeypox virus confirmed in our country, WHO expects even more infections

The disease control center also urges infected patients to avoid contact with pets. “If human-to-animal transmission occurs, and the virus spreads in an animal population, there is a risk that the disease could become endemic in Europe,” the ECDC warns. “Therefore, there is a need for close cooperation between human and animal health authorities to control exposure from pets and prevent transmission of the disease to wild animals.”

European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakides endorses ECDC’s message in a response. She says she is concerned about the increase in the number of reported monkey pox cases and that she is closely monitoring the situation. She also emphasizes that the new European Health Crisis Authority (HERA), ECDC and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) are working together to ensure the availability of vaccines and treatments.

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