Anti-corruption will lose control of the investigation into Rubiales and Piqué if the judge admits the Clean Hands complaint

by time news

The investigation of alleged corruption committed by the president of the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), Luis Rubiales and the FC Barcelona footballer and CEO of Kosmos Global Holding SL, Gerard Piquécould get out of control Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office if the strategy of Clean Hands prospers, the organization that has denounced this matter this Monday in the ordinary courts of Madrid.

Article 773.2 of the Criminal Procedure Law states that the prosecutor must “cease his proceedings as soon as he becomes aware of the existence of a judicial proceeding on the same facts.”

In this way, and in the event that the judge to whom the Clean Hands complaint corresponds by distribution agrees to open a procedure, the Public Ministry must send everything that has been investigated to the corresponding judge and will lose control of time on this matter, as well as the exclusive on the request for diligence to be carried out.

In this way, if the pseudo-union and the first complainant before the Prosecutor’s Office, who was the president of the National Training Center for Football Coaches (CENAFE), Miguel Ángel Galán, are accepted as popular accusations, both will be able to request proceedings from the judge and have access to the summary, something that they had vetoed with the investigation resided in Anticorruption. In addition, the Prosecutor’s Office had a period of one year to ascertain the existence of a crime or before deciding if there were indications to prosecute the matter, and if the Clean Hands movement is accepted, the investigations could go a little faster.

New facts and denounced

For the moment, the only thing that emerged was that the Prosecutor’s Office was investigating allegedly corrupt activities in the Federation as constituting crimes of corruption in business and unfair administration in relation to two specific facts: the contract for the celebration of the Spanish Super Cup in Saudi Arabia and the payment of rent of a house in Madrid for Rubiales. In his complaint, Clean Hands alludes to two more topicssuch as the president’s trip to New York together with a Mexican painter friend and his alleged espionage on the president of the Association of Spanish Soccer Players (AFE), David Aganzo.

In addition, the list of defendants is expanded. To Rubiales and Piqué, the complaint adds the general secretary of the Andreu Camps i Povill Federation and two partners of CG Legal who have acted as lawyers for this organization to date, Tomás González Cueto and Ramón Caravaca, who are designated as “cooperators ” in allegedly corrupt conduct. Of the second, the complaint indicates that he is the first vice president of the Spanish Court of Arbitration for Sports / Arbitration Commission and a member of the Administrative Court of Sports, TAD, “bodies highly questioned when it comes to issuing resolutions that affect the sport of football”, point to the document.

In the letter, advanced by Europa Press, the union explains that it is taking legal action against these people for the alleged commission of continued crimes of corruption between individuals, unfair administration and false documents. Like the complaint before the Prosecutor’s Office, the document reviews the information published by El Confidencial in which it is ensured that Rubiales would have discarded a “more advantageous” agreement with Qatar but without “the 24 million for Piqué” and that he would also have profited from the sale to Saudi Arabia of a sponsorship of the Spanish National Team.

The news, already in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office, is also noted, in which it is said that Rubiales would have received aid from the RFEF to pay the rental of a “luxury” house in Madrid “without having the right to it”, because it was registered in the Spanish capital. Specifically, it is a rent of 3,100 euros per month to be paid by the Federation itself.

“The payment of housing with money from the RFEF, which receives public funds from State Lotteries and Bets and the Higher Sports Council of up to 17 million euros per yearmay have criminal consequences, since the Federation, although it allowed its president to enjoy financial aid for housing, it was essential that he had his domicile outside of Madrid,” the union stated in the letter.

As a novelty regarding the first complainant, Manos Limpias attaches the publications in which it is stated that Rubiales would have paid for a “pleasure trip” to New York with money from the Football Federation. “The trip would have taken place between October 31 and November 4, 2018, just five months after becoming president of the federal entity,” he points out.

Detectives for Aganzo

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It also refers to the alleged crime of falsifying a public document due to the existence of a “false invoice” of 11,764 euros to “make up” the monitoring that a detective company would have carried out in 2019 to spy on the president of the Association of Spanish Soccer Players (AFE), David Aganzo.

“The espionage of Rubiales occurred for four days in August 2019, being the end of the investigation unseat Aganzo from the AFE through a motion of censure, raised by trusted affiliates”, adds the complaint. The conclusions of this espionage were reflected in a “reserved” 57-page document, written by the detective agency Cryptex Europa S,L., it adds, citing information on this matter unveiled by the digital newspaper.

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