Altena helps residents with lifestyle program

by time news

Altena will help residents in the fight against obesity. Alderman Shah Sheikkariem signed the regional agreement for this on 17 May. In Altena, 52% of adults are overweight.* Many people struggle to reach a healthy weight and need help. From now on they can follow a 2-year lifestyle program in Altena that is fully reimbursed from the basic insurance without deductible.

Free lifestyle program for overweight

The 2-year lifestyle program is called ‘Combined Lifestyle Intervention’ (GLI). A combination of group meetings and individual coaching helps overweight people learn a healthy lifestyle, lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

Get sick faster if you’re overweight

Overweight and an unhealthy lifestyle increase the risk of all kinds of disorders, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Sleep deprivation, stress and poor nutrition also weaken the immune system, making your body less able to fight viruses and other pathogens.

Vital municipality of Altena

Councilor Shah Sheikkariem: “Altena wants to become a vital municipality. We want to help our residents to become or stay healthy and happy. I am glad that we can now properly guide people who want to get started with their lifestyle. Lifestyle coaching is a nice addition to the many exercise activities that we already organize. In this way we make Altena more and more vital.” Guidance Physiotherapy Andel is one of the first practices where the program was started under the guidance of GLI coach Christa Goldscheming.


Christa: “The GLI program is a nice addition to my work as a physiotherapist. I have always found educating and guiding people a nice aspect of my work. What binds all participants of the GLI is that they realize that a different path needs to be taken to start living healthier. I use My Positive Health’s spider web, which makes it clear to participants in which field they want to work. For some this is more exercise or healthy food and for others this is, for example, in the field of meaning. It is nice to see that different choices lead to a healthier and happier life.”


In order to increase the success rate of a GLI, collaboration between general practitioners, municipalities and GGDs is desirable. The regional agreement was created for this purpose.

Sign Up

Residents who want to get started for a fitter and more vital life can contact their GP. More information can be found at Lifestyle coaches, physiotherapists and dietitians who want to offer GLI in their practice can contact the regional coordinator: [email protected].

*Source: GGD monitor 2020. New figures will be released soon. It is expected that the corona pandemic has made people even heavier due to less exercise.

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