Accusations of rape of underage fans: singer Jean-Luc Lahaye released

by time news

Jean-Luc Lahaye left the “VIP” area of ​​the prison of Health (Paris XIV). Indicted for “rape”, “rape and sexual assault on 15-year-old minors” as well as “corruption of minors” and remanded in custody on November 5, the 69-year-old variety singer is now free. According to our information, confirmed by a judicial source, the Paris investigation chamber ordered his release on Tuesday, May 24, under judicial supervision after an appeal by his lawyers, My David Apelbaum and Julia Minkowski.

His two advisers had previously filed a request for release, rejected by the investigating judges, but therefore validated by the Paris Court of Appeal. The author of “Papa singer” will have spent six months in detention in the wing of the prison of Health reserved for “vulnerable” prisoners, personalities sensitive by their media coverage or their profession.

Two complaints filed by teenage ex-fans

The former glory of the variety of the 1980s was arrested last fall after two complaints filed against him a few months earlier by two former teenage fans.

Roxane and Emeline (names have been changed) both accuse Jean-Luc Lahaye of having used his notoriety and his aura to obtain many sexual relations of incredible brutality when they were only young teenagers in love and influenced, between August 2013 and April 2015, for the first, and in May 2016 and February 2018, for the second.

They were between 15 and 18 at the time, nearly fifty years apart from the artist‚ but were sexually of age. The psychological expertise of the young women had revealed a deep trauma and a grip.

The singer evokes the possibility of a “revenge”

For his part, Jean-Luc Lahaye strongly contested any violent or imposed sexual relationship. He evoked relations agreed with these young women and put forward the idea of ​​a consultation between the plaintiffs to harm him against a background of disillusionment in love.

“Is this revenge? I don’t know, he wondered during his first appearance interrogation. Is it something more hidden, which would be something less avowable, which would ultimately be pecuniary, to obtain convictions and fines. (…) Maybe because I’m good in my life with Paola (his new companion), since five years. Maybe it’s a mistake for them to be happy with Paola. »

In recent times, the case had known other developments. On the one hand, the lawyers of Jean-Luc Lahaye had paid numerous elements supposed to weaken the accusations of one of the complainants. According to the new pieces, this one would never evoke constraint and would evoke with tenderness the moments spent with his idol. At the same time, the investigating judges have indicted two new people.

First, the singer’s eldest daughter, Margaux Lahaye, for “tampering with witnesses”. Suspected of having pressured one of the declared victims so that she does not incriminate her father, she contests the facts.

Then, Émeline’s mother for “non-denunciation of a crime”. She is suspected of having turned a blind eye to the alleged abuse suffered by her daughter, being herself a fan of the singer. Roxane’s mother was also to be indicted, but her questioning was postponed due to her fragile psychological state.

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