A neurosurgeon reveals the best nutritional supplement that improves brain health and fights headaches..and its natural sources

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: The brain is a “flexible” organ, which means that it changes and forms new pathways. And if you frequently get severe headaches, your brain can start making pathways that trigger pain.

Fortunately, vitamin supplements can help B2 Or riboflavin in reducing headaches and migraines and improving brain health.

Chronic migraines can make a difference in how your brain looks and functions over time. However, with proper treatment, a person may be able to tame and reverse the changes in the brain caused by migraine attacks.

It has general metabolic functions of vitamins BIn addition to its roles in neurochemical composition, it has a special effect on brain function.

In particular, it has been shown that vitamin B2 Or riboflavin improves brain health and reduces headaches.

Riboflavin deficiency is associated with extensive negative consequences for brain function.

Research has not yet shown how and why the vitamin helps B2 In the prevention of migraine headaches.

And it may have an effect on the way cells metabolize energy, according to Dr. Mark Green, M.D., professor of neurology, anesthesiology and rehabilitation medicine, and director of headache and pain medicine at the Philadelphia School of Medicine. Icahn Mount Sinai.

Although the evidence from the research is limited, it is optimistic about the potential of the vitamin B2 In the treatment of migraine.

Green added: “Of the few vitamins I use in my clinical practice, it helps more often than other vitamins used by many neurologists.“.

One study looked at riboflavin (a vitamin B2) For the prevention of migraine headaches in adults and children.

The study indicated that a migraine is a unilateral, throbbing headache associated with nausea, photophobia, vomiting and sensitivity to light..

The results of the study found that taking vitamin supplements B2 In adults, it can play a positive role in reducing the frequency and duration of migraine attacks without any serious side effects.

It concluded, “Riboflavin is a safe and well-tolerated option for the prevention of migraine symptoms in adults. However, there is insufficient evidence to make recommendations for the vitamin B2 As an adjuvant therapy in adults and children with migraine headaches“.

Food sources of riboflavin to help improve brain health and reduce headaches include the following::

Fish, meat and poultry such as turkey, chicken, and beef.


Dairy products.



fortified cereals.

Beans, beans and peas.



According to Oregon State University, the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B2 For men aged 19 and over, it is 1.3 milligrams per day, and for women it is 1.1 milligrams per day.

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