Camera for Beginners: Easy to use and great for getting started

by time news

AEven if smartphones are now equipped with ever better cameras, the best way to immerse yourself in the world of photography is with a real camera. It doesn’t have to be a sinfully expensive SLR camera to get your first experience in photography. Cameras for beginners are already available at affordable prices – and when it comes to quality, the less expensive moments definitely no longer need to hide.

Camera for beginners: what should it be able to do?

If you want to start taking photos and get your first camera, you should ask yourself one question: Would you like a system camera, i.e. a camera with interchangeable lenses – or a compact camera or bridge camera, both of which have a single lens (usually with zoom function) already installed is? If you plan to seriously pursue photography, it should be a device that can be attached to different lenses with different focal lengths. Here you have the choice between the good old reflex camera (SLR or, as we are talking about digital photography, DSLR) – or a mirrorless system camera (DSLM).

Single lens reflex camera for beginners: Or is it better a system camera?

Many professionals still swear by DSLRs. SLR cameras have been the standard in photography for decades – the selection is correspondingly large. SLR cameras are usually somewhat larger and heavier than system cameras – and, as the name suggests, they have a mirror that flips open when the camera is triggered, allowing the light to fall on the sensor.

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Beginners who want to use an SLR camera will find a suitable model in the Nikon D5600 *, for example. It has a 24.4 MPDX CMOS sensor with a size of 23.5 x 15.6 mm and has a 3.2-inch display. The ISO values, i.e. the sensitivity to light, ranges from 1000 to 25,600. It is the successor model of the D5500 and is quite similar to its predecessor in most respects – the data transfer via Snap Bridge and the time-lapse video function are new.

It is worthwhile to buy the camera as a set with a lens * – there are offers for this at many retailers.

In addition to Nikon, there is a big name in the world of SLR cameras: Canon. Of course, this company also has one or the other worthwhile entry-level model in its range – such as the Canon EOS 2000D *. It delivers 24 megapixel resolution and is perfect for your next summer vacation, where you can let your creativity run free. It has an optical APS-C CMOS sensor and enables HD videos.

Both of these models are affordable and allow for high quality images. By the way, you can usually use purchased lenses on new cameras without any problems if you stick to the same system – this is important if, for example, you have bought some good lenses and want to upgrade the camera body.

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System cameras for beginners

But it also works without a mirror. Mirrorless cameras are becoming increasingly popular. Photography professionals have long been turning to the mirrorless models, of which there is now a huge selection. Mirrorless cameras have many advantages. They are generally lighter – especially those who take a lot of photos while traveling will appreciate this advantage. In addition, with the mirror, there is also no wear part.

There are a number of popular manufacturers of mirrorless cameras. Sony is one of the pioneers here, but Fuji has established itself with X-series cameras. Both manufacturers are also known for their high quality (and not always cheap) lenses.

If you want to immerse yourself in the Sony world, you should take a closer look at the Alpha 6000 *. It has an APS-C sensor that enables 24.3 MP images. A high-speed hybrid sensor ensures the correct image; videos are also possible.

The X-T3 (now also the X-T4) from Fuji is one of the most popular camera models in the mirrorless world. No wonder: it has a housing that is reminiscent of analog cameras, exposure times and the like are set manually on their own wheels. However, the X-T3 is not exactly cheap – if you want to stay under 1000 euros, you can also take the smaller model, the X-T30 *. Professional recordings can be made with it: it has a 26.1 megapixel APS-C sensor, a 3-inch LCD touchscreen and its autofocus is also impressive. The X-T30 is visually a real eye-catcher – and a wonderful option, not only for beginners, but also for advanced users (and even professionals) who are looking for an affordable but very good camera.

Compact camera: ideal for beginners

But there are also good solutions for anyone who does not intend to handle interchangeable lenses. Compact cameras are small, handy cameras in which the lens is already permanently installed. They are practical and flexible – and, as the name suggests, very compact. However, the built-in lenses are usually inferior to interchangeable lenses.

For example, models from the LUMIX series from Panasonic – such as the DMC-LX15EG-K * – are popular with compact cameras. With its 1-inch sensor, it enables images with a resolution of 20.1 MP. Videos are even possible in 4K resolution.

An alternative to this is the Sony RX100 IV * – which has a lens manufactured by Zeiss and takes pictures with a resolution of 21 MP.


Another option are so-called bridge cameras, which combine the properties of DSLRs and compact cameras. The lenses are permanently installed in bridge cameras, have a higher focal length range than compact cameras – everything is possible here, from close-ups to wide-angle photos.

Camera for beginners: conclusion

Of course, the price range is one of the basic requirements that you should consider when buying a camera. But other questions also arise: Do I want a camera that is close to a professional camera? Then you should definitely buy a system or DSLR camera that allows you to change lenses. Or do I want to take photos quickly and easily without having to play around with the settings and have to take interchangeable lenses with me? Should the camera be able to make 4K videos or is HD resolution enough for me?

If you want to learn how to take photos properly and later on might want to use a professional camera, you should choose either a DSLR or a system camera. If you just want a quick snapshot, a compact camera is enough – the decision as to whether the difference to a smartphone is big enough to buy a camera is up to you.

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This article was first published on 08/07/2020.


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