NATIONAL | China threatens quad … bombers overhead … Are Biden and Modi targets? Russia with China

by time news

Malayalee News

Japan issues stern warning to China, Russia The Sino-Russian aerial exercise was conducted over the Sea of ​​Japan ahead of the Quad Alliance meeting. The Japanese Foreign Ministry has reacted sharply to provocations by US President Biden, Narendra Modi, Fumio Kishida and Anthony Albanese before their meeting in Tokyo. The incident took place while the heads of state of the Quad were discussing regional security.

Japanese Defense Minister Nobu Kishi Ramgat has condemned a joint Chinese-Russian jet flight. He said the actions of China and Russia were unjustifiable. The jets flew close to Japan’s airspace during a meeting between the heads of state of the quad – state U.S., India, Australia and Japan on regional security.

Russia has backed Beijing’s efforts to show China’s opposition to the Quad alliance. The joint surveillance flight of Chinese and Russian warplanes took place over Japan and over South Korea’s airspace.

Russia’s Tu-95 bombers and China’s Xian H – 6 jets carried out the surveillance. Japan is now taking the entry of Chinese-Russian aircraft over the Sea of ​​Japan into South Korea’s airspace very seriously. China described it as just a routine joint exercise. However, the Russian Defense Ministry said the planes did not enter Japan’s airspace.

The Japanese Foreign Ministry issued a statement against the China-Russia provocation. China’s move is a challenge to Japan’s integrity. Japan’s foreign minister has strongly criticized Russia’s support for China’s continued move.

However, the Chinese Defense Ministry said the planes did not enter Japan’s airspace. This is the fourth time since November that China and Russia have flown jets near Japan.

Kishi told reporters that two Chinese bombers and two Russian bombers had sailed over the Sea of ​​Japan into the East China Sea. Kishi added that two other Chinese bombers and two Russian bombers later moved together into the Pacific Ocean. In addition, Kishi added that a Russian intelligence aircraft had appeared in Japan’s airspace and that these moves were provocative during the Quad summit.

This is the fourth time since November that Russia and China have conducted aerial exercises on the Japanese border. Nobuo Kishi said two Chinese bombers and two Russian bombers had landed in the East China Sea. This was followed by two more Chinese warplanes. The Quad alliance said some countries were deliberately trying to destabilize the region.

Russia’s war with Ukraine and various interventions in the Chinese region are the main reasons for the Quad Alliance’s comments. Japan frequently sends warplanes to protect its borders with neighboring Russia, China, and South Korea. Most of the time it is to defend China and in between to defend Russia.

Quad heads of state on Tuesday warned against actions that would challenge the current rules. This is an indirect warning to Russia and China in the run-up to the war against Ukraine. Kishi said despite warnings from Russia and China through diplomatic channels against air patrols, it was being ignored and that China was acting on behalf of Russia, which is occupying Ukraine.

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