Yigal Zalal: Angels in the Sky of Moscow

by time news

And here, expected as a traffic jam in Ayalon, the leaders of Germany, France and Italy joined them in a ceasefire initiative. And immediately, as requested, their plethora of lobbyists, the court journalist, the trumpets and everything else spread the word of the whole world.

Mike Love, Note War.

And here, expected as a traffic jam in Ayalon, the leaders of Germany, France and Italy joined them in a ceasefire initiative. And immediately, as requested, their host of lobbyists, the court journalist, the shofars and everyone else spread the word of the whole world

Let’s understand what a ceasefire means, and more interestingly, What caused the sudden pacifism attack by German Chancellor Mount Olaf Schultz and His Excellency French President Monsieur Emanuel Macron.

The first part is simple. A ceasefire means continuing the atrocities and extermination of the Ukrainian people in the Occupied Territories, a lifeline and time to organize for the battered and battered Russian army, a horizon close to easing economic sanctions, providing a “victory” for internal propaganda, rewarding and future collection of war crimes and crimes against humanity, General – Trusting a captured person is telling the truth and keeping agreements even less than our exiled king in northern Caesarea.

So why are the leaders of classical Europe eager to save Putin?

Because they are his sugar daddies.

For decades former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the current Chancellor Schultz, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and Macron – to name a few – have seen in their cold offices the atrocities in Aleppo and Chechnya, Afghanistan and Georgia, Lancashire and Donevas They need to tighten economic ties with Russia.

In doing so, they enabled Putin to establish and expand his murderous tyrannical rule, and enjoy international legitimacy. “Flawless Democrat,” former Chancellor Schroeder called him before moving on to deal with Gazprom, the Democrat’s pet corporation without blemish, after Plus Minus gifted him the Nordstream 1 gas pipeline on his German-led Saturday.

“Flawless Democrat,” former Chancellor Schroeder called Putin before moving on to deal with Gazprom, the petitioner of the great Democrat, after Plus Minus gifted him the Nordstream 1 gas pipeline on his German-led Saturday

Russia is a messy and corrupt dictatorship with a backward economy, based on two main export industries: natural resources and oligarchs, and the sugar daddies have lovingly absorbed both.

The deal is simple. The German economy’s growing dependence on Russian gas and in return giving Putin permission to do what he wants.

What he wants, as we all know, includes eliminating domestic political rivals, murdering journalists, arresting human rights activists, dispersing demonstrations with live fire, terrorizing anyone who thinks otherwise, and invading wherever he sees fit.

Of course all this is packaged, branded and marketed properly and as required as “solidarity and a courageous strategic partnership between Moscow and Berlin” And any public and political opposition immediately led to accusations of purity and geopolitical misunderstanding, in the coating of Watbautism for the advanced.

Russia is a messy and corrupt dictatorship with a backward economy, based on two main export industries: natural resources and oligarchs, and the sugar daddies have lovingly absorbed both

But the one who did not receive love at all was mainly Ukraine.

There is an episode in “The Servant of the People” (all 3 seasons aired this week on Netflix with Hebrew subtitles, highly recommended) in which Merkel accidentally calls to congratulate Vladimir Zalansky, the President of Ukraine, instead of the President of Montenegro on admission to the European Union.

Any Ukrainian attempt to join the EU and NATO would run into the veto of Germany and France. Putin would not be happy.

Kyiv reiterated the reforms it had carried out, its being a democracy that shared Western values, the Russian occupation of Crimea and terrorism in the East, the guarantees of international protection given to it with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, when it gave up all nuclear missiles stationed in its territory. All in vain. Just this month Merkel has stated she does not regret the veto, and Macron’s foreign minister has promised that even in 20 years Ukraine will not be in the EU.

And in late February Putin again did what he wanted once too many times.

Any Ukrainian attempt to join the EU and NATO would run into the veto of Germany and France. Putin would not be happy.

Because of the heroic stand of the Ukrainian people and army, the constant process of some excuse and then a military exercise, then an invasion, then an occupation of the desired territories, then a ceasefire under pressure from Germany and France – went wrong.

This of course does not let go of the hands of the continent’s leaders. While since the beginning of the invasion most European countries have been reaching out for help, Schultz and Macron are doing as much as they can to throw sand at the Ukrainian engine.

Drop any proposal to increase military aid, curb any sanction on the Kremlin, keep Putin in the diplomatic arena, remind us at every opportunity that nuclear bombs are a serious matter, continue of course continue to buy gas from the Russians with changing promises for when it ends, and contribute much less to Ukraine’s war effort. Which contributes for example to the “nuclear superpower” Estonia.

While since the beginning of the invasion most European countries have been reaching out for help, Schultz and Macron are doing as much as they can to throw sand at the Ukrainian engine, and together contribute less to the war effort than donates, for example, Estonia’s “nuclear superpower”

Any diplomatic solution in the current conditions is the end of Ukraine. Ukraine’s only chance to survive the Holocaust that takes place in it will be on the battlefield, and for Kyiv to win, it needs partners, not Trojans.

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