Watch: Klish was greeted with shouts of contempt at the championship celebrations

by time news

The municipality declined to comment. A city official, however, said he was aware that there was anger due to the fact that last year the championship celebrations did not materialize. A fan present at the venue: “It was crazy”

Posted on: 25.5.22 22:34

An unpleasant event took place tonight (Wednesday) at the Maccabi Haifa championship celebration. When the president of the Maccabi Haifa club, Yaakov Shachar, invited the mayor, Einat Klish-Rotem, and gave her the right to speak, she was greeted with contempt from the crowd.

The municipality declined to comment. A city official, however, said he was aware that there was anger due to the fact that last year the championship celebrations did not materialize. According to the same source, it should be remembered that Klish-Rotem is the one who promoted the establishment of the Maccabi Haifa Museum, commemorating the name of Yaakov Shachar on the street and Avi Ran in the square in Kiryat Eliezer.

“It was crazy,” he told “Kalbo – Haifa and the Krayot, a fan present at the venue,” as Shahar handed her the microphone, a crowd of thousands shouted at her. do not know why. It does not seem to me that it is because of something personal about them as Maccabi fans. It seems to me that it’s just because it’s a cliché and there’s anger at her as mayor. “

According to estimates, about 20,000 people attended the show who came to watch a show by Sarit Hadad, her sons Barbie and hip hop artist Peled. The cost of the event is estimated at one million shekels. NIS 900,000 financed by the municipality, and the balance financed by Maccabi Haifa.

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