Alicia Witt talks about cancer diagnosis and recent mastectomy

by time news

Getty Alicia Witt

Hallmark star Alicia Witt recently opened up on social media about her breast cancer diagnosis, treatment and unilateral mastectomy. Just a few weeks before her parents died, she received her first round of chemotherapy.

She was diagnosed on November 4th

In a social media post, Witt shared that she received her diagnosis on Nov. 4, when she left for a friend’s birthday party. She had a biopsy in late October after touring 14 cities for album and book releases. Multiple doctors had told her that the lump she found was “probably nothing to worry about”.

She wrote: “Everything else came to a halt as I embarked on a crash course on everything I would need to learn. meeting incredible doctors, exploring both traditional and holistic therapies, getting further diagnostics to understand and confirm the scope of what needed to be cured.”

She shared that she had been diagnosed with HER2 breast cancer. According to, these proteins allow breast cancers to grow and spread more quickly, but also respond better to treatment if the drugs used target the HER2 protein.

Witt also shared that her paternal grandmother also had breast cancer, but did not survive the diagnosis.

She had her first round of chemotherapy on December 1, just weeks before her parents died

Witt wrote that on December 1, “I had my first of 6 rounds of chemical therapy: carboplatin, doxorubicin, herceptin and perjeta. Thank goodness this diagnosis (HER2+) is now, instead of 25 years ago, when diseased cells with this protein receptor were considered difficult to treat.”

Her first chemotherapy treatment was just a few weeks before her parents, Robert and Diane Witt, were tragically found dead in their home on December 20 after asking a relative to do a wellness check on them. Witt’s parents’ death certificates revealed they died of “probable cardiac arrhythmias” caused by exposure to cold, and Telegram & Gazette reported.

In her social media post, Witt said her parents hadn’t let her in for years and were constantly turning down many offers to help, including times when she tried to convince them to move. She said she begged and cried and asked them to help her move, but they always turned her down.

In her recent social media post about a cancer cure, she failed to mention what had happened to her parents. She simply wrote, “The past six months have been the absolute strangest I could have ever imagined.”

But she did give advice to others who needed chemotherapy, like her.

“I used Penguin cold caps (with the requisite help from my human angels, who tirelessly and joyfully spent 10-12 hours with me each treatment, keeping my head frozen!) and I was able to hold enough of my hair like that I could keep working, and have done several gigs/gigs, without having to divulge anything.” she wrote. “This helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel, even when my brain was foggy and during weeks when I was very tired, emotionally and physically.”

She has had a unilateral mastectomy and her tissue and blood are now testing negative

Witt waited to share what happened until she had some good news to share.

She wrote on Facebook: “Friends, I am recovering from a unilateral mastectomy. all tissue removed (as well as my blood) tested *negative* for any trace of residual disease. gratitude dominates all else.”

She wrote: “I didn’t want to share this journey until I received the good news. I had to devote all my energy to healing. a handful of closest soul mates were my confidants, my lifeline, and my refuge. as I have told them – I have no idea how I would have managed without them.”

She added: “If I can help just one person to be less afraid, to be more informed, to endure this feeling less alone, I want it.”

Witt also revealed that she also took some natural supplements, but only those that wouldn’t interfere with the chemical therapies.

She wrote: “I also took some natural supplements that wouldn’t conflict with my chemical therapies, and got high doses of vitamin C IVs, which I will continue to do. my herceptin/perjeta will continue until the end of the year as is protocol. It is my belief that conventional medical treatment, combined with proper nutrition and holistic support to complement and not antagonize the drug, are essential in both fighting the disease and helping to strengthen the body to withstand the harsh effects of to withstand those chemicals, and the operations.”

She added that she hopes her followers will get annual mammograms, even if they don’t have the BRCA gene.

Her followers and friends showered her with support

Many friends and followers showered her with support after her message.

Lacey Chabert wrote: “You are a warrior and you will help so many by sharing your story. I send you all my love.”

Stephanie Gerard replied: “❤️???? my mom had breast cancer a few years ago and it was the hardest thing we’ve ever lived. I was by her side the whole time going through 8 chemos, 3 surgeries, 30 radiations and thankfully she’s fine now! You are so strong and amazing. Thanks for sharing this.”

Steven Ogg wrote: “Sending tons of love!!!”

Lindy Booth wrote, “sending love and wishes for further healing.”

Ariane Rinehart replied: “You’ve been through so much this year! I am so happy to hear the good news and that you have such a strong support network around you. Thanks for sharing with us. I send you so much love ”

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