Unity is power World of Warcraft puts two players together in the latest patch.

by time news

Players on both sides of the World of Warcraft world can now join and coexist.

Players from both sides, be it Horde or Alliance, can join. and can play together in the same party including playing various content such as raid dungeons together now And can team PvP with other players together. Using Battle.net’s Battle Tags matchmaking system or inviting players.

But there are some limitations, for example, as an alternative. We can adjust the settings not to play across parties, or that is, turn it on and off, and the guild system is still locked. Including some features will still not support this system.

The Blizzard team revealed that at BlizzCon 2019, some attendees asked about cross-play functionality. At that time, the team revealed that This division It is a pillar of World of Warcraft, but after careful consideration and consideration They found that it could have a common point.

.This patch version 9.2.5 will be released on May 31 and will include other changes such as new PvP, Enigma Crucible and many more World of Warcraft fans can prepare for the countdown.

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