Snake bit an ultra-Orthodox girl, was evacuated to a hospital

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An ultra-Orthodox young woman, aged 17, was bitten by a snake this evening (Thursday) in the extended Sanhedria neighborhood of Jerusalem, and was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in a light condition.

The snake bit her shortly after 9:00 p.m., as she was walking around the neighborhood, with her lower limbs. Paramedics and paramedics arrived quickly, and as mentioned, she was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

Paramedic ‘Rescue Team’ Kobi Mendelssohn and David Reichman, a paramedic on the rescue team, said: “We came to treat a 17-year-old girl after she was apparently bitten by a snake in her lower limbs. The young woman was fully conscious, and as a result of the beating, she suffered mainly from local pain and swelling at the site of the beating. “

The rescue team said: “We remind you again that this season the snakes are waking up, and extra care must be taken in places that are prone to this.”

A spokesman for Magen David Adom said: “At 9:24 PM, a report was received at MDA’s 101 hotline in the Jerusalem area, about a girl who was bitten by a snake on Maagali Harim Levin Street in Jerusalem. MDA medics and paramedics provide medical care and turn to me.” Hadassah Ein Kerem, a 15-year-old girl in light condition, with bruises on her foot. “

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