“Studio Buccia was born from peel”: this is Sara Zanin’s living room in Trastevere

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Friday 6 May, at 6.00 pm, the studio of the artist Sara Zanin opens in Rome, with the solo show “Studio Buccia is born from buccia”

Studio Peel it is a physical space born in Trastevere – the district which has always been rich in inspiration, heterogeneity with which it coexists pictorially – with the aim of interacting, designing and interpreting the heterogeneity not only of the place but also of the art itself. Founded by the artist Sara Zaninis a workplace, an exhibition space and a living room in Trastevere, dedicated to the “banana peel concept”: an unprecedented work linked to the continuous search for “human bestiality”.

Starting from the reading of contemporaneity that “lives of life projected into a virtual reality that day after day surpasses reality”, the Venetian artist traces on canvas, wood and paper, the distance we live in the non-place, in the contradiction of living life reduced to a virtual reality capable of far surpassing the experience of a “walkable” and palpable life.

Sara Zanin identifies in the peel the testimony of the human presence in the streets and strips the banana from its ephemeral vision associated with the male member to enhance what remains, an envelope that reveals the “bestial” part of the human being that reaches erotic. What remains of a banana is not just a “waste”, a refusal born of the consumed and immediately forgotten performance, the peel is a cry of alarm, the attempt to preserve one’s own “bestiality”Of being human, which makes us more complex, able to activate the senses and perceive the world through them. The peel is eros! The banana, which has always been used as a metaphor for the male sexual organ, is the mere exaltation of the explicit that takes away the desire of the other and gives way to the comfort of the same, sacrificing the search for relationship and otherness as desire. Saving ourselves through erotica, the only salvation from technique, will allow us, once again, to imagine without seeing.


Sara Zanin (Conegliano, 1992) lives and works in Trastevere – Rome. What matters toartist it is the effort towards the human instinct, its non-achievement and its mutation. She graduated from the State Artistic High School of Treviso and graduated in Industrial Design at ISIA Roma Design, based in Pordenone, she attended the two-year course at RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts. She mainly works in painting, engraving and installation. Starting from the theme of Eating and Nutrition Disorders, she focused on the theme of Perception and its constant distortion, in the indissoluble link between Body and Soul.

Creator of the “banana peel concept“, Identifies in the peel the testimony of the human presence in the streets and strips the banana from its ephemeral vision associated with the male member to enhance what remains, an envelope that reveals the” bestial “part of the human being that reaches erotic.


2021_Performance, “coated!”, Fuori Festival, 64 Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto

2021_Personale, Buccia – “what remains”, Blue Velvet Lounge art Gallery

2020_Collective, “Ecosophy Gallery”, Museum of Modern Art of Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto (Festival dei 2 Mondi di Spoleto 2020 and FuoriFestival 2020).

2019_Collective “Artist’s cabins”, curated by Paola Pallotta, SBA, Sporting Beach Arte_ Ostia Lido, Rome.

2019_Collective, Rufa Space, Via degli Ausoni, Rome.

2019_Collective “What remains”, with Erosioni by Oreste Casalini, curated by Paola Pallotta, SBA, Sporting Beach Arte_ Ostia Lido, Rome.

2018_Collective, Rufa Space, Open day, Via degli Ausoni, Rome.

2018_ Exhibition of Rufa Contest finalists, president of the jury Shirin Neshat, Via degli Ausoni, Rome.


2020_Val di Chiana Senese, on Lonely Planet Magazine Italy, July-August, number IV, year II.

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