Riyadh Newspaper | mental health and production

by time news

Psychopathy has become the crisis of the age that surrounds us and we do not know. Anxiety, tension, headaches and depression at various levels are common among us, such as cold or flu, without paying attention to the seriousness of the results on work, production and family stability, as we must realize that mental health is very important for every success and superiority. And offer..

There is no doubt that the stability of countries, their superiority, the quality of their production and their advancement among nations is due to that stability at the level of the inner feeling of the individual, as it is the first incentive for everything that he produces. Therefore, the developed countries were working to provide all opportunities in an attempt to stabilize the psychological dimensions of their citizens. This is not far from the Kingdom’s role in continuing to pay attention to trying to issue decisions, facilities, exemptions or grants and open all entertainment outlets, because it knows how this affects persistence, seriousness and even competition, on a long way – but not far – in this modern renaissance that it is living And its citizens live it, despite the economic, political and even social shocks that the world is experiencing.

Therefore, concern for psychological stability is one of the drivers of this production. The urgent question has always been: How do we raise the level of production? How do we innovate? How do we excel? How do we document our creativity under any psychological pressure of any kind?!

They are all questions that may seem easy or fleeting, or words on the writing table and in meeting rooms and issuing recommendations! But in fact, it constitutes as a whole that stick in the wheel of leadership among countries, if it is not implemented. Each of us has ambition, as well as the state, and each of us has wishes, as well as institutions, and each of us has goals, as well as strategies, but most of them must be based on the extent of the psychological stability of the individual.

In our time, with scientific and technological progress and the expansion of knowledge horizons, the individual waves in a sea of ​​knowledge that is known only to those who know how to extract success scattered on the edges of thorns or on a little resourcefulness and forethought! Success is no longer easy, verification is no longer easy, containing knowledge is no longer easy, and constancy to values ​​is no longer easy. Which leads some to what is called in psychiatry sciences (psychopathy) in most cases!

Therefore, what we see of tension, wars and global economic crises, we may not realize the extent of its impact on global production, which shows its impact on the local and regional as well. Wars and their impact on the level of psychological stability is what most countries are screaming about now. Not only the wheel of the product, but in the stability and psychological health of those who drive it. The first mover is the individual before the institution, and for this we used to see the major countries and their large institutions, how each institution studies the mental health of its members in a scientific manner, as well as studying the extent of the relationship between the worker and his boss, and between individuals and some of them, until it reaches The matter is to study their problems outside the scope of work, and work to solve them to ensure the psychological stability of workers to reach quality assurance in production, and the pleasure of work is the most important axes, which is extremely important, because mental illness ultimately leads us to a low level of production, and it may reach to Physical illness, says Sawsan Shaker Majid in her book “Mental Health and Types of Mental Illnesses”: “The World Health Organization has defined health in general as a state of physical, psychological and social well-being, and not a state of absence of a disease. And only double. This indicates that mental health is essential for overall health. Mental health is defined as a state of wellness through which an individual realizes his abilities, can adapt to the natural stresses in life and work productively and fruitfully, and through which he is able to contribute to his community.

In light of all this, these mental illnesses are generated and spread among us, starting with anxiety and ending with psychosis and neurosis.

We may not realize that mental illness has become the crisis of the age that surrounds us and we do not know, anxiety, tension, headaches and depression at all levels are common among us, such as cold or flu, without paying attention to the seriousness of the consequences for work, production and family stability, as we must realize that mental health is a very important matter. For every success, excellence, progress, as well as production.

The big problem is that when each of us is mentioned before him about mental health or the psychiatrist, he seeks refuge from that, concealing what he suffers from, and if he goes to a psychiatrist, he goes to him secretly and with shame!

Is this a deficiency in us or a lack of our cognitive tools? Or a social blockade of this concept?! I think the latter is the essence. Dr. Adel Karani, medical director of the American Psychiatric and Neurological Center, states, “Some statistics indicate that the percentage of people with depression ranges between 12 and 20 percent, and that 5 percent are affected by stress and anxiety.”

This is a large percentage that this will affect production, excellence, ambitions and creativity in any field, and we are looking forward to launching into spacious spaces and freeing from the shackles of poverty, ignorance and disease. of psychopathy in the beginning, and the constant and panting search for oneself relentlessly and without verification; So the self is lost in the favour, and the advocates of extremist ideology exploit that search for the lost paradise that comes only with suicide, and we believe that the behavior of these suicide bombers is nothing but a search for salvation from what they suffer from mental illness in the beginning!

Hence, we can say: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become aware of this matter and adopted it in its entirety of its strategy, by highlighting the importance of psychological stability for individuals and workers, despite the spread of high prices in the whole world.

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