Top executives are paid 184 times more than employees … What is the reason? – Indian companies Top executives are paid 184 times more their employees

by time news

These figures are obtained by examining the salary ratios of 76 out of 100 companies in the Nifty 100 index.

According to these figures, the maximum pay gap between the average employee and the top executives in the pharma sector is 340 times. Importantly, the pay gap is huge in the pharma, automobile, telecom, software and NPFC sectors.

In an environment where everyone has a significant role to play in the growth of the company, why is it that only top executives are given multiple pay rises … why is the average employee pay rise so low? The question arises.

We have often seen statistics show that 80% of the world’s wealth is concentrated in just 20% of the population. How can wealth be spread if the salaries of most employees are not increased and only the salaries of a few top officials are increased? There is no doubt that only a few will create the environment for the vast majority of wealth to accumulate.

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