Two relaxed yellow vests for a caricature of Emmanuel Macron and the prefect Lallement

by time news

Arrested last year on the occasion of the third anniversary of the Yellow Vests movement in November 2021, two demonstrators were tried after the complaint by the prefect of police Didier Lallement for “contempt of a person holding public authority”.

The owner of a food truck and the driver of the vehicle had been arrested while driving in a van painted entirely in pink. The left side of the vehicle was covered with a fresco on a blue-white-red background representing Joe Biden disguised as a pope manipulating Emmanuel Macron like a puppet. The latter was shown without pants, placed behind the prefect of police of Paris Didier Lallement making the Nazi sign next to sheep. The caricature was surmounted by the inscription “La sodomie en marche!! GG”. GJ being the initials of the Yellow Vests”.

At the hearing, on April 1, the prosecution had requested a fine of 400 euros against the owner of the truck, and 300 euros against the driver. Their lawyers pleaded for release, arguing that this cartoon was part of the free exercise of satire and freedom of expression.

“This is very good news for freedom of expression”

The court decided to release the two yellow vests. “A contempt must be addressed to its addressee, which was not the case in this case,” said the president of the court.

“This is very good news for freedom of expression,” immediately David Libeskind, the vehicle owner’s lawyer. “We did not expect this decision. I am pleasantly surprised by the independence of justice, added the owner of the vehicle who is regularly present with her “pink truck” during demonstrations to raise funds for the benefit of the association she chairs, Exit-Life, which aims “to fight against the suicide of young LGBT people”.

In addition, Maître Libeskind confirmed that his client intended to file a complaint for “harassment” and “discrimination” against the police, as he had announced his intention to do last November, arguing that since the appointment of Didier Lallement , the security forces systematically blocked the pink truck with a clog, to get it out of the demonstrations”. The van, under seal since the arrest of its owner, will be returned to him, also ordered the court.

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