Superbonus energia, Eni and Intesa together to promote renewables

by time news

Intesa Sanpaolo ed Evolve Spa, Benefit Company, controlled by Eni Gas and Light, have signed a framework agreement for the sale and purchase of tax credits envisaged by Relaunch Decree in the context of 110% energy super bonus. This is what a note from the Italian energy group reports.

Thanks to the partnership, the residential customers they will choose To evolve to redevelop their home from an energy point of view, they will be able to give the company the tax credit deriving from the tax incentives provided for by Super bonus, benefiting from a discount on the invoice equal to the total amount of the intervention.

The collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo provides for the bank’s commitment to buy from To evolve tax credits for a total amount of 50 million euros, expiring on 31 December 2021. To evolve it will also be able to benefit from a loan from Intesa Sanpaolo for the management of working capital.

Thanks to this agreement, To evolve intends to further strengthen the role which, together with Eni Gas and Light, is playing in the energy transition in place. The company wants to continue offering its residential end customer the opportunity to become a prosumer, i.e. a producer and consumer of energy from renewable sources, taking advantage of the tax incentive of Super bonus, therefore without any financial outlay.

To access the tax concessions introduced from the relaunch decree with Superbonus 110%, To evolve offers a “turnkey” solution which, starting from the design, involves the installation of a photovoltaic system with accumulation system for the production of electricity from renewable sources, combined with a heat pump winter air conditioning system and a electric charging system for motor vehicles. The service also includes the management of authorization and tax practices, activation, monitoring and maintenance of the plant.

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