Arson, nine luxury cars destroyed –

by time news There were Jeep Renegade, Fiat 500 L, Audi and even a Maserati and a Ferrari among the nine cars destroyed, in the night between Saturday and Sunday, by the flames in via Chiappinello, in Montesilvano Colle.
A stake whose willful origin there is no doubt. Near the cars, registered to two rental companies, a bottle with traces of flammable liquid was found with which the cars were set on fire one by one, until all hell broke out in front of which the firefighters arrived. on the spot with a team from and one from the Montesilvano volunteer detachment, in addition to the carabinieri of the Montesilvano company, who from the very first moments – the alarm was raised just before 3 am – are working to understand who is behind it, and above all who was interested and why, in the destruction of those cars with a total value of hundreds of thousands of euros. Cars that, however, since July 8th, were under seizure by the judicial authorities together with another fifteen luxury cars, including Ferrari, Maserati and a Tesla.
The kidnapping took place as part of an investigation by the prosecutor of, pm Andrea Papalia, which had led to the routing of a vast organization specializing in international fraud through the buying and selling of large cars, especially with the German market.
The investigations, which lasted about three years, were dealt with by the financial police – nucleus of the economic and financial police, and the traffic police, led respectively by Luca Lauro e Pietro Primi. As part of this investigation, a couple from Montesilvano was arrested, Elia I think, 38 years of Calabrian origins and his wife Alessandra Cichella 33 years old, residing in the area where the nine cars linked to them, and which they currently had in custody, were set on fire.
Another eight people had been the recipients of disqualification measures; 60 suspects in total, including 13 Germans, a Lithuanian, a Spaniard, a Frenchman, a Romanian and an Algerian. But according to the prosecutor and the investigating judge, Creo was the head and promoter of the criminal association, so much so that someone, in wiretapping, called him “boss”. A complex organization, the investigators have reconstructed, where each had a specific role, and aimed at the commission of VAT crimes, through the so-called “carousel fraud” system: a whirlwind of invoicing of goods, for non-existent operations , between companies belonging to different states of the European Union, with the sole purpose of evading VAT, bypassing the legislation on intra-community purchases, through non-existent companies, known as “paper mills”.
In addition to luxury cars, also last July, two villas with related appurtenances, three apartments and a commercial space, a series of luxury watches, for a total value of over two million euros were seized in Creo. This and more is now being examined by the carabinieri of the Montesilvano company, who are investigating the fire the other night.
A revenge? A settling of scores? A spite or a very specific signal?
At the moment, as the military forces themselves are keen to point out, nothing is excluded. No lead. Certainly a frightening fire, which could have even more serious consequences. Yesterday morning, in via Chiappinello the smell of burning was still strong, while practically nothing remains of the cars.
© Time.News

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