Says: Punna oil for inexpensive irrigation!

by time news
Rajasekaran, a farmer from Nagapattinam district: If you collect Punna tree seeds and take Atti oil by check, you can use that oil instead of diesel and run ‘pump sets’. It costs only 50 rupees to produce 1 liter of Punna oil; If it is diesel, you have to pay Rs. 2 per liter.

Grind one kg of Punna seeds to get 600 ml of oil and 300 g of cake; It can be used as a natural fertilizer in the field. Diesel engines will rust in four to five years as they are kept outdoors. But, engines running on Punna oil do not rust.

No need to even call a mechanic for ‘repairs’. Through the pump set with the diesel engine, when the water boils, there is a ‘kadamuda kadamuda’ sound. However, when using Punna wood oil, the engine does not make any noise. That is, it’s the difference between a car running on diesel and a car running on petrol.

When running the engine using diesel, the ‘pump set’ will pump 750 liters of water per minute. I have tried using 10 hp, generator, 20 hp, pouring punna oil on the generator as well. நல்லாவே ஓடியிருக்கு; No problem. I don’t think this is a big deal. This idea came to mind when thinking about how to reduce the cost of cultivation. Other than that myself, I don’t think I discovered anything big.

Each of the farmers can plant two Punna trees in their gardens. This will be very helpful in correcting the power shortage and water shortage.

Diesel prices are at an all-time high today. At this time, the demand for pumpsets running on punna oil is high. In the experience of using it for many years, it is a fact that it helps to irrigate at no cost.

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