“Smallpox in Thailand,” latest update, Czech ranks the top 5 countries with the highest number of monkeypox cases.

by time news

Update”Smallpox in Thailand“Recently, it has been confirmed that the disease has not been found.”monkey poxIn Thailand, while the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health reported data as of May 27, 2022, a total of 344 cases were found from around the world.

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issue ofSmallpox in ThailandYesterday, Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health (MOPH) spoke about surveillance of the disease.monkey pox“In Thailand, from the discovery of suspected cases that fit the definition of surveillance for this disease Therefore, they were invited to receive treatment and collect samples for examination at the Bamrasnaradura Institute, Department of Disease Control (Cor.), all foreigners. laboratory results Department of Medical Sciences found that monkey pox was not infected. but being sick from another disease

disease situation”monkey pox” Latest (data as of 27 May 2022) A total of 344 cases were reported, with the top 5 countries with the highest number of cases as follows:

  • Spain 120 cases
  • England 77 cases
  • Portugal 49
  • 26 Canadians
  • 13 Germans

The outbreak is still found as a person-to-person transmission. Most of the patients were males who had a close relationship with the infected in the age group between 20-59 years.

monkey pox It is caused by the Poxviridae family of viruses, found in many animals, not just monkeys, but also in rodents such as rabbits, squirrels, rats and small mammals.

animal-to-human contact

  • direct contact with secretions
  • pustules of infected animals
  • being scratched by an infected animal
  • eating insufficiently lefty and undercooked meat

person-to-person contact

  • Close contact with a patient through blistered skin respiratory secretions.
  • Patients have symptoms for about 2-4 weeks. Most patients recover from the disease on their own.

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