Former Uttarakhand minister commits suicide, Rajendra Bahuguna, uttarakhand, Rajendra Bahuguna POCSO Case, Rajendra Bahuguna suicide, Malayalam News

by time news

28 May 2022, 08:54 AM IST

Apart from the case of molestation of a granddaughter, another case has been registered against him. The case is based on a complaint filed by a woman in the neighborhood alleging that she was mistreated.

Rajendra Bahuguna

New Delhi: Former Uttarakhand Chief Minister Rajendra Bahuguna, 59, has been found dead after committing suicide. It is learned that he shot himself in a water tank built near the house. The incident comes three days after his daughter-in-law filed a complaint alleging he molested his daughter. Pok‌mon had filed a lawsuit against Bahuguna.

Prior to the incident, he called police on the emergency number 112 and said he was going to commit suicide. By the time police got home, Bahuguna had climbed on top of the tank. Police arrived and tried to bring him down but to no avail. He turned his shotgun on himself when apprehended by a police officer on the porch of the house where the shootings took place.

Rajendra Bahuguna, a former Congress MLA, was a member of the ND during 2004-05. Tiwari was the Minister of State for Transport in the Cabinet.

Apart from the case of molestation of a granddaughter, another case has been registered against him. The case is based on a complaint filed by a woman in the neighborhood alleging that she was mistreated. The neighbor has alleged that he was threatened and assaulted.

Meanwhile, a case has been registered against Rajendra Bahuguna’s daughter – in – law for inciting suicide.

(Note: Suicide is not the answer, seek the help of a mental health professional and try to survive. Toll free helpline number: 1056)

Content Highlights: Booked for molesting granddaughter, ex-Uttarakhand minister kills himself

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