“New Love” has become a spoiled meat market, and Dana reveals hypocrisy at its best

by time news

Judging by yesterday’s episode in “New Love,” and before the final episode that will be the finale of this entire journey, the couple’s situation is not particularly alarming. First of all, this story smells to me like a meat market. This image jumped to my head, especially when Dana, in her meeting with one of the candidates to conquer her heart, complimented him on his teeth that looked perfect. Meat market I said? And if that sounds bad, I’ll change to a vegetable market. If I found a market where the tomatoes are not the most red and sweet, I try another market. At home I will taste and decide whether to continue buying in the same market, or look for a third market.

Even in “New Love” one man goes, comes another, starts trial and error, and then decides whether to continue looking for more successful goods in another market. What did we expect? Isn’t it better to fiddle with the sign and look for a fascinating love story in the category of romantic films, even if it is not real, which lasts slowly, and slowly creates emotional and sexual tension until the happy end where a complete and satisfying relationship is finally formed?

Yes, I know, this image of buying merchandise in the market smells bad, but it’s the impression I got, that swapping mates at a dizzying pace within a tight schedule – it’s not the most endearing and sabotaging any potential of romance that could exist in this marathon, to get the man The requested, or the intended. The romance is gone, no matter how much the men try to impress the girl with a candlelit meal the chef prepares for them, as David plotted to surprise Dana. Or with the same surfing in the sea, when the bare muscles of a generation are supposed to spin the head of a god, who suddenly discovered the man in the God of knowledge, only thanks to his stunning and powerful body.

Let’s make it simple and easy. With Dana and Tomer it will not work. With her sharp senses and feminine instincts, she felt he was a man of poses looking for the cameras and not really love. She also did not hesitate to tell him in one way or another that for her, he was with one foot out the door.

But what about Dana? If you’re looking for true love, why did you come straight to TV and cameras from all over the world, including faraway Miami, to look for it? Didn’t you want to be famous just like Tomer? So enough hypocrisy! And if you ask me, it seems to me that she just is not attracted to him, despite the expensive Rolex watch he wears and the initials of his name on the suitcase. The story of the camera he is looking for is just an excuse she will provide at the end of the process, when she announces that it is not to her liking.

On the other hand, when a man asks where the camera has gone, because only then can he assess whether he has made enough of an impression on the environment, I would also tell him in that second Chow, and offer him to purchase the most sophisticated camera with maximum resolution, to take with him The suitcase and the ruffled clock, for the next match in a different reality.

For Al, the situation continues to be complicated and blatantly unclear. First of all, we discovered an interesting way of doing things with her. She seeks wandering souls to help them, as she tries to help a generation release from stress, and so she actually helps herself as well. great. The main thing that she found some kind of coping method. But it turns out from what she told Dor, that there is a kind of mother complex in the background, who on the one hand terribly loved her, and on the other hand stood in her way to happiness, and therefore, today she does not believe “in words, only deeds”, and in general: does not believe in men, and men. Were you confused? me too. I did not really understand what the mother had sinned. Moreover, in my eyes it is ugly that she involved her mother in this saga.

It is even more ugly to me that the production itself did not choose to leave on the editorial floor the matter of the mother, who now stands naked and naked in front of the viewers, without even knowing her, and we think she was a horrible and terrible mother. Where are you psychologists when you need them? And to tell the truth, you are not really delivering the goods in this format. To the credit of a generation that sees all these complications, and yet thinks it’s worth keeping trying.

On the front of Shani and Tomer, the narrative is no less complicated. He presses fast and now to physical closeness, while she recoils. Like, what’s burning buddy? Equality Equality. Let’s get used to each other first until an intimate closeness is formed. Totally agree with her. It’s not particularly appealing when a man rushes the way to satisfy his libido no matter what.

The coolest couple are Mariana and Sergei. He is sexy, she is mature, pragmatic and with life experience, attractive and beautiful. They both know how to be serious, but also to flirt with each other and lighten things up and most importantly: there is real attraction, which is not noticeable in the other couples, and you psychologists, do not confuse the mind and underestimate the value of attraction that has serious weight in a relationship.

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