Ron Kaufman: What do you not do to get a passport for a child?

by time news

In March a search informed me that Giacho Tzaddik’s passport was no longer valid. “I ask you to take care of it. Can I trust you?”, She asked, and I of course nodded. Every week she asked what was going on, and I answered that it was in therapy. Two weeks ago she changed tactics and started asking about the passport once a day, and a week ago she had already asked six times a day. And I had no answer.

After all, I can dedicate a working day to my primitive country, give Giacho a day off from school, stand in line at Ben Gurion Airport like a refugee at a border crossing in Ukraine, say goodbye to Alfia, and after a few hours have a temporary passport, because Israel behaves like a country After all, stupidity has become a religion here. Except for collecting taxes on the verge of perfection, they do not know how to do anything here.

Out of fear of the next search phone, I became interested in those who were interested. “Monkey, a few pounds for some ultra-Orthodox macher and you are fine. Bnei Brak is the macher’s capital,” one of them told me. Toph, so I inquired a little more, got an address and went to strangle in Bnei Brak. He has a store, no matter why, I greeted him and with an appetite because he ate breakfast.

“Come, come, righteous,” he greeted me. “You laid today?”. It took me a while to figure out, but I admitted not to.
“So put it first,” he ruled.

He performed all the necessary steps for the tefillin, gave me the wording of the prayer, and I prayed fervently for the success of the operation so that the search would come down from me.
“Well, what’s the problem?”, The maker asked. “A passport for a child needs to be renewed, the passport has expired,” I replied. He was interested to know if it was biometric or normal, I replied that one should find out from the mother, who ruled: biometric.

The macher was interested in what urgency to fix it tomorrow, maybe next week it’s tuff? I replied that there was no problem. He spoke to someone in Yiddish, a word I did not understand. At the end of the conversation, he stated that I should report to the righteous Giacho at the Ministry of the Interior, wrote me another phone call and said that he would take care of everything that was needed.
“You know, Mr. Kaufman, I listen to you every day on the radio, you talk a lot of nonsense, we are called idolaters and idlers, but we love you. You will make a reply one day when you understand that everything is nonsense. We are not interested in politics, we just want to live “Quietly our community life. Do not disturb the secular and do not disturb us.”

So I told him I agreed with him. I asked how much to pay, he smiled and replied: “I do not deserve anything. You will decide on charity and do it, it will be rewarding. Good day to you, righteous.”

I left his store, got in the car and happily dialed the search. “Mami, there’s a date, I handled it like a big one.” It was quiet on the other side.
“I’ve already set a date, because I was desperate to ask you. A total of a minute and a half on the internet, and everything is in order. You always put off for the last second, put yourself in trouble and then get brakes from the system.”

No problem, do not want so do not need. I smile that she manages beauty alone, a burden has always been heavy for me.

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I drove to Birch, I got mad at the traffic jam. Even at the airport and on the outskirts there was a huge load, so I listened to the radio. First. The security costs of 16,000 marchers are enormous. 3,000 policemen and border guards were recruited for the pagans with the flags, there are 300 reservists recruited for the border, and I assume that the GSS counterintelligence departments also have the highest level of alert – all This is for a parade that will not promote public life in Israel in inches. There may be a small intifada of the Arabs, but our pagans love action.

The traffic barely moved, I gave up the trip destination and made a U-turn at the nearby interchange to stand in a traffic jam facing north, because from the north evil will open. I crawled on Ayalon and looked left to the lane that former Transport Minister Bezalel Smutrich had assigned to cars with three or four passengers. The path was empty. Our Smochkna is convinced that in Gush Dan, too, every ancestral home numbers six or eight people, and that a sticker is affixed to each rear window: “Netanyahu, the people are strong.” The political whims with the bass influence of every tenant in Lake Derek and every member of the Zealot Zero, is our disaster.

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The Finance Committee this week approved budget changes in government ministries. Small money, last night, only NIS 3.13 billion. Really a few moves, no more. A fucking Syrian pound will not be budgeted for teachers’ salaries, perhaps because there is no money. There is a NIS 30 billion budget surplus, but keep it in a knipple, because maybe tomorrow will be missing.
I have no idea about economics, really. But I saw a number of 684 million shekels for local authorities under Goelitzian agreements. For example, security grants to the Judea and Samaria authorities: “To a local committee in Hebron and a security grant to regional councils.” What is it? In Judea and Samaria there are divisions of soldiers, what is a security grant to a local Hebron committee? And let us not forget that there is another tiny clause in the NIS 15 million grant for mobility protection in Judea and Samaria. Protection of mobility for whom in Judea and Samaria? More than 400,000 Israelis live there. Who receives the mobility protection grant, how many vehicles are involved? We do not have to deal with the distribution of GMOs, but we call it a grant, because we do not like to offend … lol …

The scandal intensifies when exposed to the hundreds of millions that will be distributed to the local authorities whose heads brought Rinawi Zoabi back to the disgust of Lake Derek. 200 million to five Arab local authorities (each) is a cynical use of public funds. How much will Dimona get now, to bring Michael Bitton home? I instead demand at least 200 million, because there is money on the floor here.

In my opinion, Bitton is right! Why raise public transport prices by 130%? Who uses public transportation, one who has a Jaguar in the parking lot or a person who earns a very low wage? Why raise the cost of public transport fare for the elderly, when the train collapses every day anew? The role of government is to help citizens, not to oppress those who do not. But Merav Michaeli does not know those who do not, because they do not live in Tel Aviv, they live in the periphery. Residents of Lake Derek only reach the peripheral cities during the election period – but they arrive in cars funded by the public coffers.
It is important to remember that the cost of the activity of a parliamentary bureau of a tenant in Lake Derek is NIS 140,000 per month (consultants, cars, bureau expenses), with such baggage not seeing the poverty and scarcity in the eyes too much.

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Back to the teachers’ struggle. Here I am involved, because I have a child in the education system for the next eight years. Then the teachers’ union will hold a demonstration next week, so the teachers will be released from their jobs at 13:00 in order to make it to the demonstration at 18:30. The national parent leadership does not like the early release of teachers. “The arbitrary determination is not acceptable in any way and form. It constitutes a disproportionate violation.”

The blatantly stupid reaction could have been dispensed with. Early release is not acceptable for parents, but to pay a teacher and / or kindergarten teacher a salary of 7 – 6 thousand a month, it is probably very acceptable and not arbitrary at all with the parents in the national leadership. Need to close the leadership, I do not like leaderships whose members say and write nonsense.

The salaries of teaching staff are far more important than despicable coalition money. The national leadership should understand that there could be a strike of just over two or three hours in the education system. So it’s enough to be abusive and post comments that do not correspond with reality.

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This week was the week of Miri the “gifted” Regev. At a meeting of the Likud faction ahead of the vote on the “Dimensions for Education” law, she stated her political doctrine: With soldiers. “

Of course, after the publication of her words, she claimed that they were taken out of context, and all the verbal derek of a resident of Lake Derek when a recording of what they are really saying and thinking is revealed, outside the TV studio. To Regev’s credit, she talks nonsense and a lot in the studios as well.

To the delight of the fighters and supporters of the fighting, the political stupidity of the “gifted” determined that the opposition would align with the blackmailed and failed disgust. So really all those soldiers must thank the Brigadier General (Res.) Who organized the scholarship for them.

But the sites are transparent and Knesset time has come down to the ground to bring us data on what exactly our gifted woman has done in the last parliamentary year. Last month she was present for only 49 hours in Lake Derek, 116 residents in the lake were present more hours than her. Since June 2021, Miri has submitted one query about raising the Bnei Menashe. This is an issue that is probably close to her heart. The distress of life here is less interesting to her.

As of the end of January 2022 it has submitted six proposals for Agenda of Lake Derek, three of which have been approved. During the year she attended one committee meeting in December 2021, only to welcome a discussion on egg quotas.

Of course, the “gifted” Miri Regev claimed that the publication was false, so transparently checked themselves once more – and came to the conclusion that the publication was correct. The bureau claimed that in the past year “it has submitted 27 bills, and many more bills in the process of being made.” But in practice it has submitted 13 bills, most of which will not come up for discussion at all, such as the proposal to close the IDF dungeons. She does not like the station after Bardugo was expelled from broadcasting in it. I agree with her, According to the prevailing disgust.

When the gifted Miri was the sports minister, she set new records. Sandy Cohen, a Maccabi Tel Aviv player who declared that he has Native American blood, received Israeli citizenship by applying to another Maor Gola – Aryeh-Ganev-serial-entitled-always-righteous – who is a player who has contributed a lot to Israeli basketball. He did not play in the league at a time when she defined his contribution to Israeli basketball.

At the same time it decided to do well with the basketball teams in the first league, who decided to share up to ten foreigners a season. In such a quantity, Israelis can also not train. It was then decided to compensate teams that Israelis will participate according to the count of minutes of play. The current Minister of Sports, Hili Trooper, has adopted the idea, and the grant will be NIS 700,000 per season. This grant is a beauty, but the Finance Committee has not repealed the tax regulation for foreign athletes. The maximum tax is 25%, compared to a tax from the first shekel for an Israeli basketball player.

In addition, every foreign American basketball player (when Americans are an absolute majority) does not pay tax up to a salary of $ 108,000 per season. This amount is defined as an expense reimbursement at $ 400 per day. But there is no foreign athlete in the country who does not receive an additional apartment and car, and sometimes also financing meals. So what’s going on here? If an Israeli citizen is late in submitting a report on his income, he will be fined thousands of shekels, but basketball teams from the no-man’s-land-petroska levels have been for decades – and the residents of Lake Derek are pressuring not to investigate this fraud. Everyone knows, everyone is silent.

The basketball association is doing everything in its power to dissolve the league administration, for various reasons. One of them is the evasion of the Premier League teams from the payment of 20% of the teams’ income from broadcasting rights and a marketing agreement with the Toto. They do not want to pay. Tough negotiations are now underway and the teams have recruited Yoav Horowitz, formerly director of the Prime Minister’s Office. True to nine questions from ignorance, and the tenth will not be able to answer even after 75 hints by Giora Hamitzer.

Public money has always been pars in sports, it’s small on the machers to turn it into rubbish.

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Next Thursday, the Israeli national football team will host the Icelandic national team, at the opening of the League of Nations. The Israeli staff was announced yesterday, and Omar Atzili was included. As you may recall, Noble and Dor Micha were partners two years ago in a sex affair with minors. Police decided to close the case after a complaint was lodged from the school where the girls are studying. Noble and Micha are not interested in commenting on the issue, nor in apologizing, for fear that the girls will file a civil lawsuit in court.

The professional manager of the team, Yossi Benyon, refused to sign Atzili in Betar Jerusalem, despite the demand of owner Moshe Hogg. Atzili signed in Haifa. The issue more easily: “It was decided to put things behind. The team is open to every player, he will have to fight for a place on the staff and in the squad. “
We never had morals, it was always just a fish name. But the affair ends here, because decay eats everything.

Avner Gitker designed a wonderful cartoon with the ten new commandments: steal, donate, divide, seduce, humiliate, bribe, lie, corrupt, covet, steal. So suitable for us, the pagans and the lobsters.

[email protected]

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