Afghanistan, the Taliban today announced the new government –

by time news
from Foreign editorial staff

The key posts entrusted to the hard wing: Prime Minister Hasan Akhund, on the list of UN terrorists. His deputy Baradar. The son of Mullah Omar in defense and the wanted man by the FBI Haqqani inside

The most important positions for jihadists and terrorists wanted by the FBI and no women: after several days of uncertainty, the Taliban have dissolved the reservations on the first names of the new interim government. The announcement came from the main spokesman, Zabihullah Mujaahid, on a day when there were new protests in the streets. The mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, on the UN list of terrorists, was appointed interim prime minister of the new provisional government of the Taliban. His deputy the mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, co-founder of the movement, negotiator with the US in Doha and political leader in pectore of the group. The spokesman for the Koranic students Zabihullah Mujahid (pictured above) announced the first names of the new Afghan executive at a press conference.

Key posts

The mullah Yaqoob, son of the founder of the Taliban, Mullah Omar, will be Minister of Defense while Sirajuddin Haqqani, wanted by the FBI, he will hold the office of Minister of the Interior. To Foreigners Amir Khan Muttaqi, former senior minister (Education and Culture) and negotiator in Doha. A government dominated by the Taliban old guard is therefore emerging.

The other appointments

Rounding out the new Taliban government are Mullah Hidayatullah Badri as Finance Minister, Shaykhullah Munir as Head of Education, Sher Muhammad Abbas as Deputy Foreign Minister and Khalil-ur-Rehman Haqqani as Refugee Minister. Qari Fasihuddin was instead chosen as the Army Chief of Staff.


The new executive will have to address immediate problems, especially poverty, spokesman Mujahid said after announcing the list of ministers. The security problem is solved, because there is no more war, he added.

The new premier

Originally from Kandahar, Hasan Akhund | for twenty years he has led the Governing Council (Rahbari Shura) of the movement. Since 2001 considered one of the more dangerous Taliban terrorists from the United Nations, sanctioned by the Security Council, and also considered a terrorist by the EU and the UK. The mullah State Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001, governor of Kandahar and political advisor to Mullah Omar, of whom he was a close associate.

The Deputy Prime Minister

The Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Ghani Baradar, born in 1968 in the province of Uruzgan (South), raised in Kandahar, considered the son-in-law of Mullah Omar, fought against the Soviets in the 1980s. He was released at the request of the Americans in 2018 and signed the Doha Accords. Baradar considered the architect of the military victory of 1996, when the Taliban took power. In the five years of the Taliban regime, until 2001, he held a number of military and administrative roles and when the Emirate falls, he occupies the post of Deputy Minister of Defense. In 2010, when he was arrested in Karachi, Pakistan, Baradar was then the military leader of the Taliban. During his exile, which lasted a total of 20 years, he was able to maintain the leadership of the movement. Listened to and respected by the various Taliban factions, he was subsequently nominated head of their political office, established in Qatar, from where Baradar continued negotiations with the Americans, which led to the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan and the failed peace negotiations with the Afghan government.

Inside of

Sirajuddin Haqqani, head of the Department of the Interior, ihe number 2 of the Taliban and the leader of the powerful network that bears his family name. The Haqqani network, founded by his father as an anti-Soviet jihad, considered terrorist by Washington, which has always considered it one of the most dangerous factions for US and NATO troops for two decades. The network is known for its use of suicide bombers, who have carried out the most devastating attacks perpetrated in Afghanistan in recent years.

To Foreigners

Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, one of the Taliban negotiators in Doha, also a member of the first government of the regime.

To Defense

New Defense Minister Mohammad Yaqoob, eldest son of Mullah Omar. Until five years ago he had never wanted to hold leadership roles. Then started the climb that led him in 2020 to become the head of military operations and considered one of the most important deputies of Hibatullah Akhundzada, supported by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan (graduated from Karachi).

September 7, 2021 (change September 7, 2021 | 19:04)

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