Cuda (Sio): “6 million Italians in ENT clinics in 2021”

by time news

In 2021, 6 million Italians – practically one in 10 – were visited in an otolaryngology clinic of the National Health Service. In the same year there were 230,000 surgeries, some of which are of very high complexity. Adenoids and tonsils are secondary interventions of our carnet, the most important ones are quite different. It’s still: 136,000 new hospitalizations and 9,900 new head and neck cancer diagnoses, with a prevalence of men (2.5 out of 1 the ratio of men to women). And speaking of the 6 million Italians visited, it is believed that they may be at least double “, considering those” that cannot be traced since they turned to private facilities. Important numbers, if we think that in Italy we have 6,000 ENT doctors, of which 2,000 are enrolled in the Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, all at the forefront of public and private hospitals and clinics and universities “.

This is how Salute Domenico Cuda, president of SioeChCf and Uoc director of Otolaryngology at the ‘Guglielmo da Saliceto’ hospital in Piacenza, on the sidelines of the 108th National Congress of the Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, at the La Nuvola Center in Rome . “Among the most important aspects that emerged from the congress – says the specialist – we certainly find that of oncological surgery and new therapies, in particular for diseases such as rhinusitis which is treated with biological drugs, with the so-called personalized medicine, both in surgery and in therapies, that is, with differentiated treatments to reduce side effects and improve the quality of life of patients “.

“During the Covid-19 emergency there was an increase in cancer mortality in all areas, including the head and neck”, highlights Cuda. In full health emergency, however, “we found that other patients also had serious problems. Among them the subjects with hearing loss – recalls the expert – because with the use of the mask they had an increase in communication difficulties, not being able to take advantage of that minimum of labiolettura that consciously all hearing impaired people take into consideration. Not only that. The climate of ‘isolation’ has certainly not benefited from a psychological point of view in cancer patients, as well as in patients with tinnitus who have lost the possibility of having valid supports and therefore also for them this climate of isolation has caused a decompensation. But the pandemic also has a favorable implication: in various areas it has made us experiment with advanced forms of telemedicine “.

Two thousand participants, 25 international guests, 60 exhibitors: these are just some numbers of the congress which closes on Saturday 28 May. “The number of participants is the highest ever reached in this event – remarks Cuda – All sub-disciplines are represented and there are at least 12 sessions in parallel”. The meeting “hosts 9 assemblies and 8 directors of as many scientific societies, a very faithful representation of our world. A congress that has revealed its three souls: the aspect of learning gives in fact a lot of space to single-issue courses, master’s readings, round tables ; the scientific aspect with preview news and the corporate aspect “.

“A very topical issue to which we wanted to give ample space – continues the president Sio – is that of auditory bionics, hearing solutions with advanced provisions. The impact of technology in our work, both from a diagnostic and therapeutic point of view, it can also be seen by the many exhibitors present at the congress. The technology we have at our disposal is very sophisticated, let’s think of lasers, surgical robots, high-definition exoscopes and endoscopes “.

The next appointment will be in Bologna, from 24 to 27 May 2023. “With the same format, from Wednesday to Saturday. In organizing the 2023 event – concludes Cuda – I will certainly treasure the Roman experience for participation, for the ‘turnout, for the space given to young people and for the contents “.

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