Coffee helps with weight loss according to scientific research

by time news

Research shows that coffee is a useful tool if you want to lose weight. Brown fat is an important factor in this.

The research was done by the University of Nottingham and published in science magazine Scientific Report† However scientific this may all be: if you want to make a serious effort to lose weight, gain weight or maintain it, it is advisable to consult a nutrition expert, dietician or doctor.

Drink coffee if you want to lose weight

We drink coffee every day. At work, before leaving home, after dinner. There is a good chance that you will consume about three to four cups of the black gold per day. There is nothing wrong with that, thanks to the caffeine present we feel clear and alert. Now scientists have discovered a new effect; coffee appears to be a good addition to your diet if you want to lose weight.

☕️ Also read: How many cups of coffee can you drink per day? This is what science says

Drinking coffee accelerates weight loss because it stimulates the effect of so-called brown fat. This brown fat is very different from regular body fat. It helps the body burn calories by generating body heat, scientists discovered.

What is brown fat?

“Brown fat works differently than other fat in your body, producing heat by burning sugar and fat, often in response to cold,” said Professor Michael Symonds of the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham. He is one of the scientists who published the study. In the video below from CBS the research into coffee and weight loss is highlighted.

“Activating brown fat improves the body’s control of blood sugar levels. Brown fat also improves the values ​​of your blood lipids, so that you burn extra calories. This is the first study to show that coffee has a direct influence on the weight loss process.”

obese in diabetes

Symonds continues: “The potential implications of the results are significant, as obesity is a major health risk to society. Apart from the large number of people who experience the disadvantages of being overweight on a daily basis, this group also often has to deal with diabetes. Stimulating the effect of brown fat through coffee could possibly help people with diabetes.”

The results of the study were published in Scientific Reports† The researchers first used stem cells to see whether caffeine could stimulate brown fat. Afterwards, subjects were examined. The body’s brown fat reserves have been monitored by the scientists as they radiate heat.

The first phase of the study showed that brown fat is mainly located in the neck region. That specific location made it possible for the researchers to measure the effect of coffee specifically. They were able to easily determine whether caffeine acts as a stimulant or whether there is another component in coffee that aids in the activation of brown fat and ultimately thus in faster weight loss.

Encouraging results

“We are currently looking at caffeine supplements to test whether the effect is comparable. Once we know which component is responsible for this, it can be used in the fight against diabetes and obesity. The preliminary results are encouraging,” said Symonds.

Brown fat, also known as brown adipose tissue (BAT), is different from white fat in the body. The latter arises as a result of an excessive amount of calories. Experts say that people with a low BMI (body mass index) generally have a higher amount of brown fat. Clear: drink coffee if you want to lose weight. But without milk and sugar.

Myths about losing weight

Of course you will not get there with only coffee if you want to lose weight, but it is always good to know if thorough research has been done on something. Less scientific are these seven fables about weight loss, which can go straight into the trash.

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Brown fat, the silent motor in your daily cup of coffee

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