The opposition has announced that it is changing its approach to the coalition

by time news

(Photo: Olivia Fitoussi Flash 90)

The leaders of the opposition parties are gathering at this time for the purpose of planning the continuation of political activity in the next session, when their goal is, as stated, the overthrow of the government.

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The first decision made among the party leaders is a sweeping opposition to any coalition law with the aim of overthrowing it immediately. Meaning: non-offsets and full presence of members of the opposition, which will force the coalition to rely on votes on the joint list.

The chairman of Religious Zionism, Bezalel Smutrich, said: “We will not be the crutches of the government. This is no longer the Abbas government but the Bennett Tibi government. What Tibi wants to go through passes what does not, does not pass. “

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu said: “This is a government that is sinking into the abyss and doing everything but everything to save itself. It can be likened to dizziness, they are falling and clinging to everything – the state coffers, state territories, state security and international status.”

“They are willing to sacrifice anything to prevent them from sinking into the abyss. Meanwhile, Israeli citizens are paying a huge price. Naftali Bennett said at the time that a government that relies on terrorist supporters is a dangerous government for Israeli soldiers and citizens.”

Netanyahu added that “we will not fall into the trap of the government, we will drop it in the near future.”

The chairman of Torah Judaism, Moshe Gafni, said: “Occasionally rumors spread as if Torah Judaism is negotiating with this government. It is a complete lie. Do not believe this lie! It is blasphemy! The last to go with the coalition is Torah Judaism.”

Shas chairman Aryeh Deri said: “This bad government must fall every moment, and it is good one hour earlier. We have a responsibility to the citizens of Israel, we must not support the government in any law, even the most important law.”

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