At via Nicosiana, art at the service of research for Aisla

by time news

The memory of the heart eliminates bad memories and magnifies good ones, and thanks to this artifice, we are able to overcome the past.“These are the words of the famous writer and journalist Gabriel Garcia Marquez. And this is the spirit with which it was born Nicosiana: a review of the Divina Mania cultural association in memory of Dr. Maria Maira, who passed away last May due to ALS. A first edition that will start on Wednesday 1 June with a four-day program that will see a series of events in Nicosia thanks to the support of the Municipality of Nicosia and Aisla, the Italian Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

Appointment Saturday 4 June with the national vice president of Aisla, Michele La Pusatawhich declares: “Hope envelops everything, the dialectical confrontation, as in Aisla style, is based on the state of affairs, so we praise what good has been done, but we don’t limit ourselves to self-celebration, but to plan for the future.“. The photograph recorded in Sicily immediately highlights how physical distance is at the origin of the phenomenon of the so-called hospital emigration. To this is added the urgent need to create coordinated paths between hospital and territory capable of responding to the complex need for care of a disease such as ALS.

Nicosiana was born with the intention of connecting art and territory – underlined the organizational director of the event, Debora Leonardi with the aim of supporting research against ALS in this first edition. We decided to donate the proceeds to the Onlus Aisla because about a year ago I experienced firsthand the disappearance of a figure as important to me as Maria Maira, a way to remember her and to ensure that one day, hopefully, this disease is not plus an invincible enemy “. The event takes shape thanks to the firm will of the cultural association” Divina Mania “, a collective of young artists and producers, who have migrated far from the very south of Italy, who have decided to make available own knowledge and relationships, created over years of study and work in international contexts, at the service of the southern area Among the guest artists of Nicosiana 2022: Antonio Monsellato; Federica Zacchia; Mauro Lamanna; Gianmarco Saurino; Daniele Greco.

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