Warn of new side effects caused by coronavirus vaccines

by time news

P. A.

Updated:05/30/2022 13:32h


During the vaccination campaigns alerted to the effects that Covid vaccines could have, and now a study by the Postgraduate Institute of Clinical Medicine of the Taiwanese Kaohsiung Medical University indicates that whoever has been inoculated with Pfizer, Astrazeneca o Moderna You may experience some mild effects.

Among these reactions are fever, diarrhea, and vomiting, as many people experienced in the days after being vaccinated. The report indicates that this intravenous remedy against the coronavirus has a direct relationship with problems in the lower urinary tract, from alterations in the deposits to dizziness.

The recorded effects are as follows:

– Pyrexia (fever): 62 (18%)

– Lymphadenopathy (swelling of the lymph nodes or glands): 62 (18%)

– Headache: 47 (13%)

– Pain in the vaccination area: 27 (8%)

– Vomiting: 24 (7%)

– Discomfort: 20 (6%)

– Urticaria: 19 (5%)

– Diarrhea: 17 (5%)

– Rash: 13 (4%)

– Fatigue: 12 (3%)

– Abdominal pain: 10 (3%)

– Dizziness: 10 (3%)

In Spain, 93% of the population is vaccinated against Covid, and 60% worldwide. The scientists indicate that these “findings showed that after vaccination against Covid, up to 13.4% of the 889 participants [en el estudio] revealed a deterioration in storage LUTS.”

It has been verified, therefore, that they are affected “the Urinary urgency and frequency after vaccination with coronavirus. Although more prospective studies are needed to prove the causal association between the vaccine and urinary symptoms after vaccination, we suggest that stored LUTS be closely monitored after Covid vaccination, especially in those who already suffered from overactive bladder symptoms. , and search medical assistance if required”.

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