The trial lawyer | THE UNIVERSAL

by time news

LLegal work is one of the professions that generates the most love, passion and hatred. When it was believed that it maintained the historical dignity that characterized it, we discover that today it is surrounded by a strange vibe that not only sprouts in the soul of the apathetic but also in that of the lawyers themselves. Well, the diversity of its exercise subjects those who exercise it to constant disagreements, different points of view and why not, to sterile rivalries.

The truth is that no one is exempt from needing a lawyer, perhaps that is where the indifference of some comes from and, even when it is clear that there are legal roles that are ultimately intolerable for a sector of society, these end up being a necessary function for the Justice administration. The important thing is to reflect with empathy and avoid, however difficult, identifying lawyers with their functions, clients and causes.

Law seeks to put itself before the needs of the troubled world and to be at the forefront of new specialties. For its part, the way of exercising the profession is observed from various roles, such as, for example, judges, conciliators, attorneys, advisors, prosecutors, commissioners, inspectors and the most transversal of all procedural formulas, the litigant.

The trial lawyer is the actor who puts a large part of the judicial system into operation, without him the procedure would be complex, since he is the one who technically raises the debate in the various extremes. Even so, he is the one who has the least guarantees. His financial stability is low, he is exposed to economic vicissitudes since he does not have a fixed salary or benefits, health care for him; and the worst, he doesn’t have vacations, even in the vacancy his mind will be digging through theories, tests, laws and jurisprudence.

Not being that enough, in general, the family space is sacrificed and is destined to the achievement of litigation or in various work meetings without schedule or calendar. The delay in the resolution of the processes is attributed to them as if that disastrous phenomenon did not depend on the evident judicial congestion. And, what to say about the unacceptable dirty war to win the client: insults, slander and countless unethical behaviors that are a human evil and not exclusive to lawyers.

Despite everything, there are those who still find it pleasant and honorable to exercise the legal profession from the role of litigant. The motivation continues to be to represent complicated causes, beyond economic interests. It is a life vocation dedicated to seeking the radiant brilliance of truth that precedes justice. Nothing like the satisfaction of duty fulfilled, facing daily challenges and learning, where the goal will always be to fulfill such an important social function based on sacrifice, study and discipline.


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