Welcome: A South African giraffe was born in the Biblical Zoo

by time news

The young puppy is the eldest son of the mother Leila, and will be the second male in the zoo, which is part of a joint species conservation project with the European Zoo (EAZA).

Posted on: 31.5.22 15:59

A South African giraffe cub was born in the Biblical Zoo. The puppy is the son of Laila Rio, a native of the Biblical Zoo, who participates in the International Breeding Program, which aims to preserve and save this subspecies.

“The puppy’s litter was especially happy,” the biblical zoo says, “since the puppy is also the granddaughter of the giraffe Akia who joined the zoo decades ago, and was born a few days after she passed away at an extreme age.”

“The puppy was born at the end of a 15-month-old pregnancy, weighs about 60 kg and is about 1.8 meters tall,” the zoo said. For the first few days of his life, the puppy stays in the protected pavilion before leaving, and will join the group in the African yard. The giraffes reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 and can give birth to an average of one puppy once every two years. “

The giraffe born with the proud mother (Photo: Courtesy of the Biblical Zoo)

The zoo notes that “the giraffe that was born belongs to a South African species that is endangered due to the destruction of its habitat in Africa, the reserves that are getting smaller and due to human hunting.”

Rushdie Aliyan, director of the herbivore department at the Biblical Zoo: “This is a particularly exciting event, which comes a moment after the passing of the good return of the group’s leading Akia the giraffe. “Now, tonight, the puppy’s mother and Akia’s house are expected to replace her as the leading female in the group.”

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