Following the violence: The great rebbe goes out in extraordinary protest

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One and a half weeks after the severe violence in the streets of Jerusalem, Bnei Brak and Ashdod, between Gur’s followers and members of the community of Gershom Alter who were attacked in the streets, the issue continues to upset the public and Hasidic communities, with recent days – including this morning (Tuesday) Moiznitz, Karlin Stolin, Pshevarsk, and more.

Speaking this morning, the Rebbe of Carlin delivered the Tish on the occasion of Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Nowadays, people beat and beat people in the streets, desecrating the Sabbath and desecrating the Lord. “

The Rebbe went on to say: “I do not understand how it is appropriate to do such acts after difficult periods and times that the people of Israel have been going through for 2000 years. We have so many troubles and things that we face, where does it sound like this thing that our own people will do such deeds?

“To be a God-fearing Jew means to accept the Torah and keep what is written in the Torah. What is allowed to be done according to the Torah is allowed, and what is forbidden to do – is forbidden, without excuses and permits.

“Hitting a Jew is an act that must not be done, no matter what the situation. Every child knows and knows the act that happened to Moshe Rabbeinu who said, ‘Evil, why should you strike your neighbor?’

“There is a lot of talk about the desire to be respected and the importance of keeping the Sabbath, but suddenly because of the nonsense of desecrating the Sabbath and harming others, what kind of face do we have to show off, while we have such acts happening.”

In conclusion, the Rebbe noted that he understands that there is not too much influence in the struggle between the factions, but perhaps if people understand well that such acts should not be done, perhaps it will help, and that “if we are good and worthy Jews we can receive the Torah as required of us.”

Another person who spoke in protest on the subject was the Rebbe Moiznitz, who spoke about it in a speech he gave to his followers at Tish for a third meal last Saturday.

The Rebbe told of a case in his beard with the Torat Chaim Zia’a in which a chassid violently protested the Rebbe’s honor, and as a result he was imprisoned for a period of one month. : “They put you in jail for a month – I would put you in jail for three months, because you should know that there is no such thing as a beating after talking about the Rebbe.”

The Rebbe then noted that “when one speaks of me – it is forbidden to raise one’s hands. We have never heard of it,” while instructing the Hasidim to sing the melody:

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The Rebbe of Pshevarsk, one of the rabbis of Europe, also addressed the issue of violence and noted at the Malwa Malka meal that although we do not now mark the day of the death of the Rabbi of Shinawa and the Rabbi of the Rim innovations, we must recount what happened. In their lives.

“Once upon a time, the owner of the Harim innovations was very hurried and asked the Gabay to organize a small quorum for prayer, when moments before the prayer began, one of the Hasidim tried to be pushed in to the place of prayer, but was pushed out and beaten by the Gabay,” the Rebbe said. To the Rebbe that it is possible to begin the prayer in the minyan, the Rebbe rebuked him by saying, “Raising a hand on a Jew, how can you be included in the minyan?”

The Rebbe went on to tell of his beard from Pshevarsk who took refuge in the shadow of the Rebbe of Shinawa, where there was an elderly Gabay who had served the Rebbe for over a decade, who once beat a boy who greatly disturbed his role as Gabay, and in response the Rebbe was very shocked and ordered to convene Beit Local law to discuss the punishment of the Gabay.

After deliberation, the Gabay was obliged to appease the child in front of everyone in the Beit Midrash Hall, and in addition the members of the court ordered that Gabay not be allowed to ascend to the Torah for a period, along with his suspension from the Gabay for several months. Your friend.

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