Due to the high demand: the historical status of the students has changed

by time news

Lakewood Drama: Due to a huge demand for tickets to the ‘Adiri HaTorah’ event in honor of the students of ‘Beit Midrash Hogo’, it was decided to move the event to a larger venue, which will take place at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The change after all 10,000 tickets put up for sale ran out

A high school yeshiva in Lakewood, New Jersey will host a huge event next week, an event that will highlight the historic partnership between the Great Yeshiva and its young yeshiva, with homeowners and governors from the community and across the U.S. ‘Razi, that’s where the convention was supposed to take place for the first time. After a few days the tickets ran out and a bigger venue was needed, Lakewood Alerts reported.

The date of the event remains the same: Sunday, June 12th. The interest in participating in this unprecedented class continues to arouse great excitement among Bnei Torah communities throughout New Jersey and beyond, from the “yeshiva world,” to the Hassidic communities, to other Torah centers that understand this event is going to be something extraordinary.

Due to the unique opportunity to attend the event in honor of the Torah, many requests for tickets came to the children as well, which was not possible in the smaller hall. Now, however, tickets for children ages 12 and up, accompanied by an adult will cost $ 100 per unit. Adult tickets remain at $ 50 per unit, with a $ 360 donation promise.

The organizers point out that if you have already purchased tickets for the old place you do not have to do anything, your ticket is saved for the new place.

Behadrei Haredim has learned that this is a huge historical event that will take place in the stadium, under the title “Lohamei HaTorah”. Bring other governors to join the cause. As part of the partnership, millions of dollars were raised to triple the scholarships to students, which reach $ 57 million a year. The initiative, which has now been joined by dozens of homeowners in Laser Shiner operations, has given each student $ 13,500 a year, compared to $ 4,200 a year in the past, an annual increase of more than $ 8,000.

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