Emmanuel Macron launches a “flash mission” on the difficulties of the emergency services

by time news
President Emmanuel Macron during a visit to Cherbourg hospital, May 31, 2022.

President Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday, May 31, a month-long “emergency mission” to diagnose the crisis in hospital emergency services and propose ways to respond to it, the first stage of a plan to be declined on the scale of “1,200 living areas” French.

Professor François Braun, president of SAMU-Urgences de France, will have to submit his conclusions “no later than 1is July “ to the Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon, specified the Head of State after a visit to the hospital center of Cherbourg. His report “will be intended to explain, territory by territory, where the gaps are, to be able to quantify them”in particular, staffing issues.

Based on this, explained the President, decisions will be made “to help mobilize more doctors, regain attractiveness in certain sectors (…). This from the end of the summer will be declined in each territory. »

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“Do everything so that [les urgences] hold” this summer

The President, recalling the changes undertaken during his first mandate – end of market value, Health Segur, etc. – said that despite everything, he noted that the hospitals are overcrowded, the medical deserts are growing, that the staff report a “loss of meaning” and many are leaving the health professions. According to him, the health system must be subject to “true collective revolution”. This is the subject of the vast project that the ministry and all the players in the health system must start in the summer.

X-ray difficulties “territory by territory”, “hospital by hospital”this project must, according to Emmanuel Macron, make it possible to “build very concrete solutions” adapted to each of the 1,200 intermunicipalities “on the basis of the national specifications”, but also with the promise of additional means that the Head of State is considering in ” Billions of Euro’s “.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers At the Bordeaux SAMU, answering calls when emergencies are slowing down

night closures, “load shedding” on other hospitals, access filtered by SAMU: at least 120 emergency services have been forced to limit their activity or are preparing for it, and all the lights are red. In total, almost 20% of some 620 public and private establishments, hosting one or more emergency services are affected. As professionals warn of an embolism from emergency services this summer, the head of state said “guarantee that we will do everything to make them last”.

Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

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