Russia hits a chemical plant in a new attack on the Ukrainian city of Severodonetsk

by time news

Las Lugansk regional authorities have denounced this Tuesday that the Russian forces they have hit a chemical plant located in the town of Severodonetsk and that can have negative consequences for the health of citizens.

“Air attack on Severodonetsk, the racists (referring to the Russian troops) they have hit a tank with nitric acid in a chemical plant“, reported the regional governor, Sergii Gaidai, in a publication on his Telegram channel.

Gaidai has warned that the Nitric Acid May Have Negative Effects on Humans if it is inhaled, ingested or if you come into contact with it, for which reason it has urged the inhabitants of the area not to leave their shelters and prepare protective masks.

For his part, the ambassador of the self-proclaimed republic of Lugansk in Russia, Rodion Miroshnik, has confirmed the explosion of a chemical container in Severodonetsk, although he has not claimed responsibility for the attack and has stressed that the territory where the plant is located “is controlled by formations of the Ukrainian regime.”

city ​​control

Previously, the highest representative of the self-proclaimed republic of Lugansk, Leonid Pasechnik, had pointed out that his troops already controlled a third of the territory of Severodonetskinformation that has been confirmed later by Gaidai himself, who has raised Russian rule to 70 percent of the city’s territory.

In fact, Gaidai has recognized lthe possibility of a withdrawal of Ukrainian troops. “It seems to me, although I am not a military man, that there is no point in losing many soldiers to recover a city that makes no strategic-military sense”, he said.

In statements to Sky News, collected by the UNIAN news agency, the governor of Lugansk has conveyed that, in a military sense, Severodonetsk “no importa“, noting that the adjacent city, Lisichansk, has better locations for military positions.

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The militias of the self-proclaimed republic of Lugansk confirmed on Monday the start of the “assault” on Severodonetsk in collaboration with the Russian Army and announced that they were proceeding to entrench themselves on the outskirts of the city.

Severodonetsk was also the scene of a Russian attack on Monday which claimed the life of Frederick Lecrerc-Imhoff, a journalist and photojournalist for the French television network BFMTV. French President Emmanuel Macron was quick to condemn what happened, as was the French Foreign Ministry.

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