Don’t celebrate when you finish a plate.. this is how you deal with a picky kid at mealtime

by time news

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Is it difficult to please your child during mealtime? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, as selective eating is common among young children. Up to 50 percent of children don’t want to eat vegetables, or try new foods, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

For psychologist, Ali DeLozier, preparing a meal for your children is like actually fighting half the battle, whether they eat or not.

“By putting foods on their plates, or on the table, you’re doing a great job as a parent simply because you’re still introducing them to those foods. They see it, they smell it, they can touch it, they taste it,” DeLozier said.

Selective eating is common among young children., plain_textCredit: Chloe Melas

“This is the age when the biggest power[your kids have]is rejection, their opinion,” said registered dietitian Jennifer Anderson, who created an Instagram account called “Kids Eat in Color” that has more than a million followers, adding that “It’s totally expected. And you’re not doing anything wrong.”

It’s also normal to feel anxious when your kids won’t eat their food.

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Don't celebrate when he finishes his plate.. Here are tips for dealing with a picky child when eating
Eating time should be made fun for children. , plain_textCredit: Chloe Melas

According to the two experts, there is no problem with that, just feed your children what they want.

“We always want to serve food that the child is comfortable with,” Anderson explained, so “if you know that they like macaroni and cheese in general, or they like peanut butter and jam, or they like apples and strawberries, we always want to provide something that they generally like.” on the table.”

However, Anderson noted that “it is not necessary for them to take it .. if they do not want to, and we must respect that.”

It is important to make meals look fun and colorful for children.

“Each different color is caused by chemicals in food that do specific things in our bodies,” Anderson said.

When you introduce a wide range of colors to your child, you will know that they are getting the necessary nutrients without worrying about anything in particular.

But what about introducing new foods to children? Experts think that’s a good idea.

You can do this by providing some other options on the table.

Should everything be put on their plates? Anderson said that if you’re dealing with a child who doesn’t like peas, for example, you can still put in a very small amount, like just one.

It can be said that “these are the foods available during this meal. You can choose what you want to eat from what is here.”

And when it comes to sweets, DeLozier thinks they’re okay, but they shouldn’t be given as a reward.

Here are some tips for feeding your kids from the Kids Eat in Color page:

  • Don’t prepare anything else
  • Don’t take it personally
  • Don’t celebrate when your child finishes his class
  • Serve foods formally and regularly. And sit down while eating and snacking.
  • Do not force your children to eat, and do not bribe them

When should you worry?

There may be situations that reflect that it is more than just picky when it comes to mealtime. Therefore, when should you see a medical professional?

It is important to do this when your child is not following his growth curve, if he is not gaining weight, and especially if he is losing weight.

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